Chapter 16

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"Balloon Boy drew this?" Plushtrap questioned while looking at the picture.
Foxy nodded. "Looks like it. I'm not sure why he would draw something like that though..."
"Am I the only one that thinks that he's been being a little weird lately?" asked Lolbit. "He hasn't talked to anyone like he used to, he just creepily laughs at people that go near him. A few times I've seen him just sitting on the floor, doing literally nothing at all."
Foxy laughed. "B.B is B.B, he'll be weird whenever he wants to be. Maybe he's pulling that prank with Toy Freddy."
"Maybe," said Plushtrap. "But WHY would he draw THIS, of all things? That's a bit offensive to Baby, don't you think?"
Foxy nodded, "Yeah. But we could throw it away before she sees it, right?"
"Guys..." said Lolbit, "What if he knew that Baby was gonna end up hurting someone?"
Foxy chuckled a little. "Uhm, Lolbit...I don't think he has future vision. How would he have known that was going to happen?"
"He doesn't. I think I might know what's going on..." said Plushtrap.
Foxy looked at him, "Really? What?"
"Well, I think everyone should be in the room to hear this, they also need to know," Plushtrap told him.
"Then let's go get them!" Foxy was about to walk to the Parts and Service room, but Plushtrap grabbed his arm. "Wait! Not NOW! Tonight is definitely not a good time, especially after everything that's happened! Plus, it's almost time to sleep anyway. We gotta wait until the next night."
Lolbit nodded, "Yeah, there will be more time then. Let's just hang on, for now...or at least try to."
Foxy sighed, "Fine..."
They decided to go do something else to pass the time, before it hit 6 am.

The next night, after breakfast, Springtrap went down the basement to talk to Baby. He knew that she probably wouldn't want to talk, but Springtrap knew there had to be some way to make things better. She still had her scooper in her stomach. They were only able to take some of it out, but they didn't have any more time after that, so they left her alone and went to sleep. They left it out, so she wouldn't malfunction if they tried to put it back in. Springtrap sighed and sat down beside her, shutting her back on. She slowly woke up, and looked up at him. She quickly looked down, remembering what had happened. "What do you want?"
"To probably need it," Springtrap replied.
Baby didn't say anything. She started tearing up, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it! I wanna take it all back!"
Springtrap carefully hugged her, "Baby! I forgive you! I know you would never do something like that on purpose! It was an accident, it'll all get better soon!"
Baby sobbed, "HOW?! How could it POSSIBLY ever get better? I screwed everything up! I messed up the chance for my friends and I to stay here! To have a HOME! It's all my fault! Now no one will EVER want us here! We're gonna have to LEAVE!"
"No, none of you are leaving," Springtrap told her. "Listen, they're almost done fixing Toy Chica. Once she's awake and feeling better, we'll see if you guys can talk it out and make up for it. We're also almost done getting your scooper out, nothing like that will EVER happen again once it's gone! The scooper was the problem, not you! Puppet will still give you a chance, he never said you guys had to leave, he knows it's your memory cards that are messing with you. Why do you think they're fixing them?"
Baby wiped her eyes, sniffling. "I-I was just trying to look for y-you...I thought I had it under control..."
Springtrap sighed again. "I don't think it has anything to do with you...I think Ennard made this happen..."
Baby looked at him, frowning. "W-what do you mean?"

Springtrap started to explain, "Look, he came to see me last night, while I was still in the basement. He told me that he was the one that got me to find Elizabeth's plushie and got us to go look for you and your friends. He was trying to bring me down, saying it was all my fault that this was happening to you guys. A part of me didn't want to believe that, because I still did something good, didn't I? I didn't wanna leave you guys there...He also said he was on his way to go see you. I tried to get to you before he did...but I was too late...If anyone is to blame, it's me..."
Baby quickly shook her head. "No, it's not your fault at all! Ennard is to blame for all of this, because he's the one that's making this happen! We wouldn't be in this situation right now, if it wasn't for HIM! We all try to do something good, but there will always be something that gets in the way. That's what I learned..."
They were quiet for a few minutes, until Baby sighed and spoke again. "You know, before the accident, when I was on my way to go talk to you...I went through the Parts and Service room door, and was taken somewhere else. A place that was even scarier than the underground...everything around me was red and black, and I could hear creepy noises. It felt like years trying to get back here, but I finally made it. I appeared in the hallway, tired and exhausted...and then it happened. I think something was trying to stop me from coming to you, maybe Ennard...or his stupid nightmare friends."
Springtrap looked down. "Man, they're really trying hard to keep us apart...But it doesn't seem like anything is stopping us now, so do you still wanna try to tell me whatever it was you wanted to tell me?"
Baby thought about it, and then slowly nodded. "Uh, alright. Well, if you're fine with it, I...wanted to talk to you about Mangle."
Springtrap tensed up. He gulped, "Um...Okey. What about her?"
Baby replied, "Okey, I'm just gonna get it over with and say it fast. I know it was you that broke her."

Springtrap went quiet. He was surprised, because he could've sworn he saw her asleep when he was taking Mangle out.
He started sweating as he asked her, ""
Baby answered, "I couldn't sleep that day, so I stayed awake, thinking. I had my eyes closed to try to sleep. I opened my eyes a little bit as I heard you walking out. Then you came back in after a while. I watched you shut off Mangle and carry her out of the room..."
Springtrap sighed. "You're right, it was me...Look, I-I didn't want to do it-"
"But WHY did you, anyway?" Baby asked him.
"Because Ennard MADE me do it!" Springtrap told her.
Baby looked at him with shock. "Really? How?!"
"I left to go outside," Springtrap explained, "I just needed some air, that's all I wanted! Then he showed up...He made me make a decision to either take Mangle back apart, or kill my own brother! And if I didn't choose, he'd kill both of them! He was messing with me! It's all a game to him!"
Baby covered her mouth, disgusted. "That...that's so horrible...Springtrap, I'm so sorry that happened to you! Will you be able to fix her again?"
Springtrap teared up, shaking his head. "H-he doesn't want me to...He made me hide her suit, a-and leave her like that...I don't know what to do now. I c-can't even face her...I can't talk to her..."
Baby wanted to hug him, but her scooper was in the way.
She just shook her head. "He wants us to be afraid, he wants us to think we're weak. But you've showed me how strong I am, Springtrap. I was able to fight back Elizabeth, you were able to fight back William! We could try to free Micheal, and maybe get him to help us take care of Ennard! Plushtrap said there was a way to kill the nightmares animatronics, so let's figure it out! We could try to deal with them first, and then him! We shouldn't be alone in this, that's unfair! We need to find some way to tell our friends without getting them hurt."
Springtrap shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not sure if I even have the energy for anything anymore...Ennard really got us on a dead end, Baby. Anything could happen if we try anything at all! What if his plan works perfectly after one small screw-up we made?"
"Springtrap, you're only thinking about the 'what if's. What about our friends?" said Baby. "They care about us, don't they? You make it sound like there's no chance, but there IS! We can't keep hiding things like this from each other, especially if all of our lives are on the line! Don't you wanna at least try?"
Springtrap turned to her, "What would we do then? How would we fix all of this?"
"Talk to Elizabeth and Chris. If they're willing to help Micheal, I bet they'd help us too. We NEED them," Baby told him.
"What if they're too busy? What if they don't wanna help? Or CAN'T help?" Springtrap asked her.
"They WILL. We'll find some way to get them to! We're not just gonna give up and let Ennard take everything away from us! That's our FAMILY!" Baby frowned.

Springtrap went silent, thinking about it. He knew she was right, but he had a hard time making a decision. Ennard has put them through a lot, especially in the past, but he hadn't actually done anything to him and Baby, yet. Maybe there WAS still a way to stop him, maybe there's a way to bring their other friends back that were taken, and turn them back to normal. Maybe they could still try to have a chance at life. Maybe they could stop sitting here and actually do something. He was still angry at Ennard for all the hell he put them through, he didn't want him to get away with it. He wanted to do everything he could to put Ennard through pain. He wanted to repair Mangle, talk to his friends, and fix everything.
Springtrap stood up, "Alright. We're not wasting any time, we're doing it now."
Baby looked up at him. "Wait, really? You agree?"
"Well of course," Springtrap replied, "They care about us, like you said. They showed us how much they cared, now we're doing the same for them."
"YES! Thank you, FINALLY!" Baby laughed, throwing her hands to her side. She looked at him again and noticed he was leaning against the wall, rubbing his back. She frowned, "Uh, you okay?"
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, my back just hurts..."
"Is that why you've been limping?" Baby asked him.
He looked at her with surprise. "How'd you know?"
"It's obvious," Baby replied, raising an eyebrow. "What happened?"
Springtrap sighed. "Well...Okey, I'll be honest. Ennard made me angry, so I attacked him. Nightmare Fredbear appeared and threw me against the wall really hard..."
"Oh..." Baby muttered. "Uh, should we get it looked at?"
"What would we tell them? That I got attacked by a giant terrifying bear that looks like Goldie?" Springtrap asked her.
"That's exactly what we'll do," Baby replied, smiling. "We're telling them the truth. Plushtrap should know, too. He might know how to deal with the other three nightmares, maybe he could help us."
"I hope," Springtrap said. Then he frowned, "Wait...If Ennard's turning all of us into nightmares, then what would happen to Plushtrap? He's already a nightmare, how would Ennard get him to join him? Wait a minute, how is Plushtrap even different from the rest of the nightmares? His mind is literally not like theirs at all! I didn't even realize that until now...I just never really saw him as one of them, ever since he started helping us."
Baby nodded as she thought about it too. "Huh, you're right. We could talk to him about that..."
Springtrap just replied with a grunt, agreeing.

Baby looked around, and suddenly noticed something sticking out from under the stairs. She squinted at it. "Hey, what's that?"
Springtrap looked at what she was looking at, and frowned too. He slowly started walking over to it. He carefully crouched down and picked it up. He showed it to Baby. It was the Fredbear plushie Ennard told him about.
Baby's eyes widened. " that Chris' plushie?"
Springtrap looked at it and nodded. "Yep. I forgot to mention it to you, but Ennard actually needs this, and Elizabeth's plushie. He wants to burn them, to destroy their spirits, so they won't be able to get Micheal out of him."
Baby was even more shocked. "Seriously? That's just terrible! Wait, I saw Elizabeth's plushie at the don't think..."
"I hope he didn't," Springtrap looked at the Fredbear plush with worry. "We need to find a place to hide this, so Chris can be safe. Then we should find a way to get that Baby plushie...somehow."
Baby quickly but carefully moved her scooper to the side. "Here, uh, put it in my stomach! Ennard won't be able to get it if my scooper is in the way!"
"Uh, are you sure? What if he knows you have it and tries to take you?" Springtrap questioned, a little anxious.
" wouldn't let that happen, would you? Our friends wouldn't, either, if we told them everything," Baby said to him.
Springtrap hesitated, but nodded and carefully placed it in her stomach.
"I'll try to keep you safe, I promise."
Baby nodded, then she said, "If there's one reason I'm glad to have this scooper, it's so I could defend myself. I had a hard time deciding if I wanted it out or not, because Ennard was right, it can come in use. But not for killing humans. For fighting against him."
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, you have a point there. Do you still want it taken out?"
Baby shook her head, "Honestly, no. Not really. I could've killed Ennard with this thing, but I didn't. But...then I hurt Toy Chica, and now everyone wants it gone. I can't blame them, so I guess I'll have to let them get rid of it."
"Well, we could try to change their minds, after we tell them about Ennard," Springtrap told her.
Baby smiled, hoping he was right...

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