Chapter 3

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     *I couldn't think of anything to draw for this chapter so I just made that, XD*

Once they were done explaining the whole thing...again...everyone else looked at them, with the same surprised face Puppet had.
"Wait...all of that happened? Really?" asked Toy Freddy.
"Yes. And then we brought them here to live with us so they won't be miserable, they're in the 'Parts and Service' room," Foxy replied.
"There's a smaller version of Springtrap...which is...Plushtrap? I gotta see this," T.C said, interested.
"You'll have to be careful, he could bite your little toes off," said Springtrap.
"W...what..." Toy Chica frowned.
"H-he was joking," Mangle laughed nervously.
"Hold up...they're ACTUALLY in that room right now? You really brought them here?" Freddy asked.
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah! There's no way they would've been able to survive in that place underground. We want them to live here with us so you guys could see what they're like, and so they could have a home! Don't you guys like meeting new robots?"
"Well of course! I think what you guys did was very nice, but also very risky. I'm glad you're all okay, and them too! I'd like to see them!" said Toy Chica, smiling.
"Yay! New friends!" said B.B.
"Will there be more girls?" Chica asked, wondering.
Mangle smiled at her, "Yep. They're very nice, too."
Chica jumped up and down excitedly.
"So can they come out now?" Goldie asked.
"Uh, sure. Go ahead," Freddy nodded.
Golden Freddy opened the door and told them to come out. Once they all stepped out, everyone took a good look at them.
Chica gasped, "WOW! You all look so gorgeous!"
Ballora blushed, "Oh, thanks!"
"Eh, it's nothing new. We always looked this way," Lolbit said, smirking.
"Wait, you're not including me, right?" asked Plushtrap.
"No! You look adorable!" Chica replied. Plushtrap gave her an unamused look.
"Yeah, we fixed him up a bit. He looks as good as new!" said Mangle.
"Hey, this hand-puppet looks a lot like me, I like his style!" Toy Bonnie grinned, pointing towards Bonbon. "I like your style as well!" Bonbon said, smiling back.
"Hey Mangle, you and this fox over here look so much alike! You're Funtime Foxy, right?" T.C asked her.
Funtime Foxy nodded, "Yep. That's me!"
"Huh, they seem to be getting along better than expected," Goldie said to Springtrap, who slowly nodded. " guys like them?" Spring asked.
"Yeah! They seem pretty chill!" replied Toy Bonnie.
"I agree! Now I'm more interested!" Said Toy Chica.
"Yep. I like that Puppet's letting them stay for a while, so we can get to know them!" Said Chica.
"I think they'll fit right in with us, here," Toy Freddy smiled, nodding.
"Really? Oh thanks, guys! That means a lot!" Mangle said, looking at all of them sweetly.
"What about you, Freddy?" Springtrap asked, looking over at him.
Freddy looked at Baby and her friends one more time before sighing and standing up, "Yeah, I'll give them a chance. But we can't forget the deal everyone agreed on. If they have to go, they have to go. If they can stay, they're very much welcome here."
Goldie nodded, "That's right. Let's hope things will go smoothly here."
"And they WILL. Just wait and see what these new animatronics can do! They're amazing!" Said Mangle.
"I wanna see!" Said B.B. Everyone nodded.
Funtime Foxy laughed, "And we can't wait to show you!"

For the rest of the night, everyone gave Plushtrap, Baby, and her group a chance and showed them around the place, explained to them the rules, and showed them many other things. Once that was done, pizza was made and everyone ate happily, especially the Sister Location. While everyone ate, they told the group some things about each of themselves, and Baby and her friends told them things about each of them. Puppet noticed how happy everybody looked, ever since their friends came back. J.J was the only one that was looking a bit...unsettled. Puppet got up and floated over to her, whispered to her to meet him at "Prize Corner", and then left. Once she met up with him at his box, he started the conversation.
"Hey J.J. I um, noticed you were looking kind of down earlier...wanna tell me what's bothering you?" The girl shrugged, not looking at him.
"Is it the new animatronics? Are they making you uncomfortable?" Puppet asked.
J.J shook her head. "No...It's about...that girl you guys were talking about...Elizabeth."
Puppet frowned, "Yeah? What about her?"

Once everyone was asleep, Puppet met up with Springtrap and the others in the basement.
"Okey, Puppet. What is it you wanted to tell us?" Goldie asked, turning to face him.
Puppet looked at the group, feeling a bit uneasy. "Well, it's J.J...She and I talked, and um...She knows about Elizabeth." Everyone in the room looked at him, eyes wide. Springtrap turned to him, "A...are you serious?"
"Dead serious" Puppet replied, shaking his head.
"!" Questioned Funtime Freddy.
Puppet sighed. "From what she's told me, she knew Elizabeth for about a week, before Springtrap's group left here. Elizabeth appeared in her dreams while she was sleeping and told her everything about herself, and told J.J not to tell anyone about her. She only talked to J.J because she trusted her more, and wanted to know about everyone in the pizzeria, so she would see if we were like William or not. She'd been watching us for a week, but she still didn't believe we were good people. She wanted to get rid of us, but then Springtrap's group left, so she dealt with them instead...or tried to."
"So...she used J.J to try to get closer to us and possibly kill us?" said Springtrap.
Puppet nodded, "Yeah, pretty much. But I don't think that matters anymore. She's gone, so now she can't do anything to us, if she still believed we were evil. But J.J's upset now because Elizabeth was actually really nice to her..."
"So like...can she travel through dreams or something? Like that guy-what's his face? He has a claw hand or something, and a face that looks like a burnt potato," said Lolbit, trying to remember the guy's name.
Foxy snorted, "Freddy Krueger is the name."
Lolbit snapped her fingers, "Yeah! That's it!"
Baby nodded, "Yeah, she can do that, but only for a certain amount of time. She did that a lot with me and my friends, before we were shut down."
"Hm...William used to do that, too..." said Puppet.
" makes more sense now," said Mangle.
"What d'you mean by that?" Puppet asked.
Mangle looked at him, "A while back, before we left, J.J showed me a drawing of Elizabeth, it looked just like her. I asked who it was, but she must've lied, because she said she didn't know, and that she's only seen her a couple of times...I thought it was just an imaginary friend or something. Looks like Elizabeth knew about us, way before we knew about her."
"Yeah. But should we be worried about this? Does any of this matter?" Golden Freddy asked, looking back at Puppet.
Puppet shook his head, "No, I HOPE not. We've already dealt with a lot, we don't need any more problems. I just thought I'd let you guys know. J.J is still a bit sad, so let's try to cheer her up tomorrow night. Alright, I'll see you guys later." Everyone said goodnight to each other before going back to their places to sleep...

Good thing I have a little bit more motivation to write again, I've been so lazy a lot and I hate myself so much for that, it's my fault. I wanted to get the story done before the year ended, but it seems like that's gonna be impossible. I'm so slow, smh. I know this chapter hasn't been that interesting, but the next one will be better, I swear TwT.

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