Chapter 4

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     The next night, everyone had breakfast as usual and talked. Almost everyone. While most ate, B.B and J.J chased each other around the place, throwing pepperonis at each other. A couple minutes later, some Bidybabs and Minerinnas joined them, everyone else laughed as they watched. While they did that, T.C and Chica filled everyone else in on the wedding plans they came up with for T.C and Toy Bonnie's wedding. Most people agreed to help out, the ones that couldn't had to help Puppet figure out what to do with the Sister Location and Plushtrap.
Once breakfast was over, everyone went their separate ways and did their own thing. Bonnet was about to hop over to Prize Corner to look at the toys, until she noticed Plushtrap sitting alone at a table, with his head down and his eyes closed. She hopped over to him instead and looked up at him,
"Hey...Plushtrap is it?"
Plushtrap opened his eyes and looked around to find who called his name. Once he noticed Bonnet on the floor next to him, he quickly apologized. "Oh, sorry...Didn't see you..."
"It's okay, I AM really small...So, what're you doing here by yourself?" Bonnet asked.
Plushtrap replied, "I was just trying to sleep, I guess...You need something?" Bonnet looked down. "Uh, nothing, I guess. You just looked lonely, and I thought maybe we could find something to do. Sorry...I'm socially awkward..."
"Join the club," Plushtrap scoffed.
Bonnet looked back up at him, "Is that why you're sitting here?"
"Yeah...and I can't really think of anything else to do..." Plushtrap sighed.
"Well, you wanna play Hide and Seek with Bonbon and the other kids? I bet you'd win!" Bonnet said, smiling. Plushtrap thought about it. The game WAS pretty fun. He enjoyed playing last time.
"I can't just sit around and do nothing," he thought, "If I wanna be apart of, then I'm gonna have to make an effort to try. It's not all that bad."
"Sure," Plushtrap nodded and stood up, and followed her to the others that were playing.

     "So...if we fix their memory cards, they'll be in a better state of mind and will less likely try to kill us?" asked Puppet, looking at Springtrap, Golden Freddy, and Bonnie. All three of them nodded, then Goldie added, "And we should remove Baby's scooper from her stomach, just so everyone will feel more safe, including her. She agreed to it, but when should we start?"
"Let's wait until after her and her friends' memory cards are all fixed. Yes, that would take a while, but I'm trusting Baby that she won't use her scooper thing on anyone. You know she wouldn't intentionally hurt us," said Springtrap.
"But what if she does it by accident?" Puppet asked.
"Then we'll start working on it," replied Springtrap.
"Can't we just, nail in her stomach to keep it from opening?" Questioned Bonnie. Spring shook his head, "Nah, that would mess up her suit, she'd look like a weird Frankenstein corpse thing. Let's just take it out, carefully, of course. Golden Freddy and I could do it while you, Puppet, and Freddy fix their memory cards."
Bonnie nodded, "Alright, I'm up for it."
Puppet nodded with him, "Me too. I'll go let Freddy know. But uh...I feel like someone should watch over Baby, to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone by accident...I just really don't like that scooper..."
Springtrap sighed, "We can all watch over her in our free time, but I honestly doubt anything will happen...she's not possessed anymore, you know."
"I know, but she's all old and rusting, same with her friends. That scooper could probably pop out without anyone expecting it, and possibly hit someone! I just want us to do this to be safe, until we get that thing out of her," Puppet told him.
"Okey then, we will," Springtrap said to him.
Once they all parted from one another, Springtrap stepped outside and climbed up the ladder, onto the roof.

He sat there for only a couple of minutes, until he heard someone else climbing the ladder. He turned around to see who it was, it was Baby.
"Hey..." she said, walking over to him.
"Hey...What're you doing here?" He asked, as she sat down beside him.
"Uh, just wanted to see what it was like up here...And to see if you were okay. You looked a little sad before you left," Baby replied.
"Oh...Well, I'm not really sad. I'm just kinda worried, that's all," He said to her.
"About what? Us?" Baby asked, looking at him.
Springtrap sighed deeply, "Yeah, but I can't help it. We've never had a bunch of new animatronics like you guys here before. This is new. We're trying to figure out what we can do with you, to make you feel more safe and at home here. I don't wanna screw anything up that'll make you guys have to leave...We're going to try fixing you guys up some, so you won't malfunction and accidentally hurt anyone."
"Are you gonna fix our memory cards?" Baby asked, swaying her feet back and forth.
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah. Me, Golden Freddy, Puppet, Freddy, and Bonnie. Even though Puppet is willing to help out, I still can't help but feel like he won't ever accept you guys here. Back when I was locked in the basement, unconscious, Puppet at first didn't agree with bringing me back, after Goldie begged him. But he trusted my brother, and wanted to believe him when he said they would be able to help me control myself from William's power. Goldie was right. But this situation is completely different, you guys are different. Elizabeth was something else, something way worse than her father. Even though we set her free, it could still take Puppet some time to feel comfortable with you guys around. That's why he gave you a week to stay here, a week to prove he's wrong about you."
Baby replied, "Right, and we're GOING to. Puppet can look at us whatever way he wants, his opinions will never define who we are. I've hung around your friends here, and they were so nice and welcoming to us! Being treated that way gives me more hope that my friends and I will be able to stay. Because there ARE others that care about us. We hadn't believed that for YEARS. I'm sure Puppet will come around. He gave us a chance, that's a start! You don't have to worry, Springtrap. Just let things go how they will go, whatever problem we face, we can handle it, we've done it before. If Puppet still hasn't gotten used to us, then that's fine. We won't stop trying though, we never will."
Springtrap nodded and smiled. "Good, that's good. I'm glad you're not as nervous as you used to be. And I'll try not to worry, I need to focus on fixing you guys. And removing your scooper, if you still want it taken out."
Baby quickly shook her head up and down, "Yes, PLEASE. I've been trying since last night to keep it from slipping out! I could've told you about that sooner, but I didn't wanna bother anyone and ruin the fun we were having. Honestly, I think the scooper is worse than our memory cards. We've been kept underground in the dark for years, with no one to fix us or keep us clean. The cards had to have rusted, because now we can't remember much from our past, only bits and pieces. We haven't felt any urge to kill since you woke us up, because they're so messed up. If you fix them, you could change them up a bit, to not make us go all killer-robot mode. But I'm mostly worried about the scooper..."
"Don't worry, Golden Freddy and I will take it out whenever you want us to. Puppet and Freddy and Bonnie will still fix your guys' memory cards. Doing all of that will take time though...actually more than a week, maybe. We might have to let you stay here longer, so we'll have more time to fix you up," Springtrap said, smiling at her.
"Awesome. That means more pizza too!" Baby said gleefully.
"That's right," Springtrap laughed.

They sat there for a few more minutes, unsure of what else to say. Until Baby spoke again.
"I like it up here. It's quiet and peaceful. I haven't been outside in so long...I haven't felt something like this in so long..."
Springtrap looked over at her, "Well now you get to come here, whenever you want to. Except in the daytime, that's a big no-no. Some of us will come up here a lot to clear our minds, it really helps. I think it would help you too."
Baby smiled, closing her eyes. She let the cold breeze hit her face, brushing her hair out of the way. She felt so peaceful up here, it felt great. This cold was better than the one underground. It didn't feel dead, or heavy. Just soft, and alive. She wanted it to last for an eternity. But it didn't. Her eyes quickly shot back open, her chest rising and falling more rapidly. Something didn't feel right, she didn't feel right. She felt as if something terrible was up here with them. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's just anxiety. But there was no point in ignoring it, it wasn't going away.
She slowly looked over at Springtrap, "H-hey Springtrap..."
Spring looked over at her again. "Yeah?"
"U-um...can we go back inside?" She asked, voice quivering.
"Uh, sure...But why?" Springtrap questioned, a little confused.
"H...he's here..." Baby muttered.


Both Springtrap and Baby jumped, hearts racing. They slowly turned around to see who it was that spoke...a part of them wished they didn't...

I'm back from the dead, bicthes.

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