Chapter 15

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*I didn't kno what else to draw for the chapter so I just made that.*

When Foxy and Plushtrap made it to the dining room, they saw Funtime Freddy and Bonbon sitting on the stage, motionless. Lolbit stood beside them, by the stage, looking distraught.
"Looks like you were right about her not doing so good..." Plushtrap muttered to him.
Foxy walked over to Lolbit. "Hey...You okay? How're they doing?"
"Um, I'm fine. But, Yendo couldn't figure out what's wrong with them...He left them on the stage and went to go talk to Goldie and Puppet about them." Lolbit replied. Foxy nodded.
"I'm gonna look at them too," said Plushtrap. "Foxy told me what happened, and I think I might know what could be wrong with them..."
Lolbit nodded. "Okey. But...that's not the only thing I'm worried about, now..."
Foxy frowned, "What else?"
Lolbit sighed, almost tearing up. "I-I can't find Funtime Foxy. I went to go check on her, but she wasn't in Kids' Cove. I wanted to find her, but there's so much happening right now..."
Foxy hugged her. "Don't worry, I'll help you find her, I promise. She might wanna be alone right now, but we'll still look for her. And yeah, a lot is definitely happening...things are getting weird. But let's try to stay calm, we'll figure everything out."

Once Lolbit was calmer, Plushtrap said to her, "We also wanted to talk to you about something..."
"Uh, okey...What?" Lolbit asked.
"Well, Foxy told me about you guys talking to Elizabeth. And he also told me what you said about Micheal..." Plushtrap told her.
Lolbit glared at Foxy. "I told you not to tell anyone..."
Plushtrap quickly shook his head. "No, I made him. Don't get mad at him, I know Micheal, I'll help you guys figure this out."
"I said I didn't wanna talk about him..." Lolbit said.
Plushtrap sighed. "Lolbit, wether you want to or not, we're gonna HAVE to. We're not gonna pressure you, but we're not letting you hide anything from us either. If there's something you know about Micheal that no one else does, we have to know! This is Afton's SON we're talking about! Elizabeth wants our help with something, and you're denying that. There's no spirit that's pretending to be her to trick us. What other spirit knows about her or Micheal? Or what happened to them? I know Chris and their parents do, but how can a spirit even pop up as a different spirit on a camera screen? That seems a bit rare to ever happen. She also said something about Micheal being trapped. If that's true, then she might be saying she wants our help with Micheal, whatever happened to him. We have to look more into this, and we need your help."
Lolbit shook her head, looking frustrated. "Why can't we just forget about them for once and live a normal life? Why does this matter so much to you?"
"Why WOULDN'T it?" Plushtrap asked her. "They're the AFTON family! As long as they're still around, then it will ALWAYS matter. We won't GET to live a normal life if we don't do something about them! They're the ones who got us into all this mess, and we're STILL trying to fix it! From the looks of it, they're still not done yet! If there's something you know about Micheal that isn't good, you can't just hide it from us! What if something happens that could be even worse than this?"
Foxy nodded with agreement. "We're not against you here, we wanna help you out! Instead of being alone in this, why don't we work together? If you're afraid that something will happen to you if you tell us, we'll make sure whatever it is won't happen! You know I care, everyone here does! We're just trying to figure this out. Please, we need you..."

Lolbit thought about it. They had no idea why she didn't want to tell them. She was still afraid of Ennard, what he'd do if she told anyone about him or what he did to Micheal. But then again, there were a lot more of them, and it was just Ennard alone. But if only she knew about his allies.
"I guess I could tell them," Lolbit thought. "After all, they do seem to care a lot. Maybe they will be willing to help..."
She sighed. "Okey...I'll tell you."
But before she could even start, the door to the Parts and Service room busted open and Springtrap darted out before they even had a chance to look at him. "What the heck?" Plushtrap said, surprised. As they were about to follow him, they suddenly heard a horrible slicing sound, and then screaming.

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