Chapter 17

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Baby couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. "Ya know, it's funny. Ennard actually thought we would be stupid enough to join his side. He KNEW we didn't feel any hate for the humans, yet he still tried to convince us that they were nothing but bad, anyway. It's true that not all of them are good, but that doesn't make us any better than them. We're not any perfect, ourselves. I could list off a bunch of reasons why."
"Yeah, no crap," Springtrap agreed. "We wouldn't cause any violence unless, well...unless it was really necessary. But killing all humans for things that other bad humans did? Nah, I'll pass. That sounds like a waste of time. I don't wanna do all that."
"And that's such a shame, really."
Springtrap and Baby gasped, looking behind Springtrap.
It was Ennard again, of course.
He smiled. "I actually knew you guys were never going to want to join, but I was still able to lead you to my trap, wasn't I?"
Springtrap's expression quickly changed to anger. He was about to go over to him and snap his neck right there, but he suddenly felt a horrible, sickening pain on his right shoulder. He yelled as a bunch of teeth such into his skin.
Baby screamed at what she was seeing. It was Nightmare Fredbear, biting Springtrap's shoulder. Before she could do anything, Nightmare Puppet appeared behind her and chomped on her left arm, holding her down.
"Quick, get the plushie," Ennard ordered Nightmare. Nightmare obeyed and reached his hand out through Baby's stomach. Right as his finger touched the plush, a powerful force threw him against the wall. The other two nightmares released Springtrap and Baby and tried to get it, but they were shoved back, too. Ennard laughed, "I know it's you, Chris. You should just give up already, you'll never be able to get Micheal out! Why would you, anyway? He KILLED you!"

He looked down at Baby and Spring. "Time's almost up, guys. You better get ready."
Springtrap looked up at him, holding his bloody shoulder, "YOU SAID YOU WOULD ONLY TAKE ME AND TURN ME INTO A NIGHTMARE IF I TRIED TO GET HER PLUSH BACK!"
Ennard replied, "And you said you were going to do just that, so I stopped you. I stopped BOTH of you from making a mistake. That should hold you back, until we come back to finish the job."
"PLEASE! DON'T HURT OUR FRIENDS!" Baby begged, weeping as her wound stung.
"I'll turn you both into nightmares no matter what you do!" Ennard told them, "No matter what you or any of your friends try to do, you'll NEVER win. With the kind of power we have, you'll never stand a chance! You two still think there's a way to fix everything, but we're already doing that! You're trying to stop us from creating something beautiful!"
Springtrap couldn't even talk or try to fight back, his shoulder was hurting so much he could barely even move. He wasn't expecting this at all, neither of them were. There always seemed to be some kind of surprise coming for them, and they never even seem to except it. He was starting to feel like a failure again. He had no idea how to handle this now.
Ennard spoke again, "I've TRIED keeping you two from ruining things for us! But you guys are just SO persistent! No matter what we do to keep you pieces of FILTH afraid of going near anyone, you still seem to try and do that anyway! You don't realize it, but you're tough! Both of you! That's why you should join me, I NEED robots like that!"
Ennard grabbed him by the neck with his wires and forced him up.
"THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY! YOU'LL SEE IT!" He breathed heavily with anger.
He added, "I REALLY tried keeping you guys out of the way, but you were just SO frustrating! I got Nightmare to keep Baby from trying to look for you! I messed with her scooper to make her hurt your friend! I made you break your own girlfriend apart and kept you afraid and doubtful! I've been taking your friends away one by one! I had to wait for DAYS to get things ready, because of William's little HELL-SPAWNS! Some of your friends are already suspecting Micheal and I! And we can't let them try anything on us! I can't WAIT any longer! I NEED you animatronics with us! It'll take a while for you both to fully turn, but it's gonna happen, trust me!"
He dropped Springtrap. "And now that we know where Chris' plushie is, we're gonna take it, one way or another. We'll take Baby with us if we have to! Actually, we're gonna do JUST that!"

Ennard and the nightmares grabbed Baby while Nightmare Puppet held Springtrap back. He hollered, "NO! DON'T TOUCH HER!"
Suddenly, an even bigger and powerful force slung them all back, against the wall. Springtrap and Baby stared at them.
Ennard slowly got up. He grinned at them, chuckling. "Well, maybe not tonight, but soon..."
All four of them disappeared. Springtrap grabbed some bandages and rags from a box and started cleaning and bandaging both of their wounds.
"We CAN'T let them take you," Springtrap told her.
Baby whimpered, "W-what are we gonna tell the others?"
"We're gonna have to tell them everything, NOW!" Springtrap answered. "I really doubt that our friends won't be able to help us. Things have been getting out of hand the moment we laid eyes on that lunatic. If we do end up losing, we either fail while fighting, or fail from doing nothing at all."
Baby was shaking as her wound stung more. "B-but...what if we turn before we even get the chance to talk to our friends? What if they refuse to trust us ever again?"
Springtrap shook his head, "Hey, don't start doubting, now. That's exactly what Ennard wants, like you said. I don't CARE if they hate us! They'll hate us even more if we don't say anything to them!"
Baby nodded, trying to calm herself. "What about Elizabeth and Chris? Should we still try contacting them first?"
"Uh, maybe after we explain everything to our friends first," Springtrap replied. "Once we're able to move, we're getting out of here and-"
Suddenly, he fell to the floor, motionless and silent.
Baby looked down at him, shocked, noticing that he had been shut off.
Before she could look up to see who did it, she was shut off too.

     Plushtrap sat down at a table, covering his face with his hands.
Plushtrap looked up. It was Foxy, standing beside him.
"Hey," Plushtrap muttered, rubbing his eyes. He looked at Foxy again, noticing that he was looking bothered. "You good?"
Foxy rubbed the back of his neck, "Uhh...I don't know. I'm so confused. Lolbit hasn't been talking much since early tonight. I thought she was feeling a bit better the last night! I was trying to get her to come with me so we can get you to talk to everyone about what's wrong with Funtime Freddy and Bonbon. She just ignored me and walked off..."
Plushtrap shrugged, "Maybe she's still worried about what's been happening lately...Everyone is. I guess we should give her some space. I'll tell everyone when I get the chance."
"But you have a chance now. What's stopping ya?" Foxy asked him.
Plushtrap shook his head. "My head hurts. It hurts too much that I can barely talk, or even move. Maybe later, when it stops hurting."
Foxy nodded, "Okey then. You wanna get some rest or something?"
"I'll just sit here, don't worry about me," Plushtrap said as he put his head down and closed his eyes. Foxy nodded again and left him alone.

     Golden Freddy and Yendo turned Mangle back on so she could wake up to roam around a bit. After they've told her everything that's happened, Mangle rushed over to the Parts and Service room and knocked on the door.
Freddy opened it and looked down at her, surprised. "Oh, Mangle! I didn't know you'd be awake. You doing alright?"
Mangle nodded, "Yeah, I think so. They decided to let me roam around a bit so I won't be asleep too much. I've been told about what's happened. Is Toy Chica okay?"
"Yeah, she's actually awake right now," Freddy replied. "You wanna see her?"
Mangle quickly nodded. Freddy let her in while he and Bonnie left.
Toy Chica noticed Mangle crawling over to the table she was laying on.
She smiled, "M-Mangle, it's you...Are you okay?"
Mangle shook her head up and down, tearing up. "Y-yes, now that I'm here with you! I'm so glad you're alright! I'm s-so sorry I wasn't there to help you-"
Toy Chica hugged her. "No, don't ever apologize! None of this is on you! It was all an accident! They're taking Baby's scooper out, so she and everyone else won't have to worry about it! I'm almost better now."
Mangle wiped her tears. "Th-that's good. Have you had anything to eat?"
Toy Chica nodded, "Yep. I feel somewhat better. Oh, uh, have you seen Chica around lately? I've been wanting to see her too."
Mangle shook her head. "No, I haven't seen her since I left the back room. She could be busy watching the kids or something. Has Toy Bonnie been coming to see you?"
Toy Chica replied, "No, he's been ignoring everyone lately, it looks like. Maybe he's just worried about me too much, but it would still be nice for him to come see me. Our wedding is in four days! I hope he'll come around again soon..."
Mangle gave her a smile, "Don't worry too much, Toy Chica. After you get better, we can have a talk with him."
T.C just nodded. Then she asked her another question. "Has Springtrap been helping them fix you?"
Mangle sighed, "No, he's been in the basement more often. I'm not mad, though. He's probably been helping Goldie and Yendo with Baby's scooper. Do you know how he's been, lately?"
Toy Chica shrugged, "He's been a bit sad and quiet these past nights. He must be really worried about you. I hope he gets better real soon..."
Mangle nodded. "Me too. I miss him a lot. Weird things have been happening lately and we don't even know why! I hope the next night is a lot better...everyone has been so quiet and depressed, from what I've seen."
"Yeah, we don't need anymore sad days," T.C agreed.
"I wanna stay with you in here, so you won't be sleeping alone," Mangle told her.
Toy Chica nodded, smiling. "That would be nice. If the others are okay with it."
They spent the rest of the night talking and comforting each other, while also trying to not lose hope. They wanted to believe that things would get better soon, they usually did. Everyone else wanted to believe that, too.
But they had no idea what would be awaiting them tomorrow night...

     Everyone was awoken by the sound of screaming...again. But it came from someone else. Freddy was the first to see it, and then Foxy and Mangle, and then everyone else once they raced in the dining room to see what the hollering was about. Everyone else shrieked too, no one wanted to believe what they were seeing with their own eyes. A bunch of their friends were all on the ground, brutally ripped apart. Oil and parts were everywhere. It looked like the purge had took a visit here. The ones that were torn apart were Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, B.B, Funtime Freddy, Bonbon, Funtime Foxy, Lolbit, and Chica...

U h  o h  h o w  u n f o r t u n a t e

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