Lost without you. pt 1

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Tommy was a goner, and there was no denying it. I knew this was coming, so it didn't come as a shock to me when Dream arrived at the Red Festival with Tommy.

I was the only person who ever did visit him. He knew Dream was going to kill him and didn't care. As much as I tried convincing him that he could leave, that I could hide and protect him, he had already given in. He was too far gone into the darkness.

Dream had dragged him into L'Manburg by his hair. People were confused, confused on why he was brought here. But us three were the only souls who knew. Dream, Tommy and I.

The screams that followed will haunt me forever. Not the screams from the blonde boy, no. He didn't scream. The screams of Niki and Puffy. The shocked cries from Quackity and Fundy. The overlapping yells of everyone. And the deafening scream from Tubbo.

The blood of Tommy was  spilt on the stage, with no explanation. Tubbo took off running, a few people chasing after him to comfort him.

I stood in paralysed fear and pain. I felt the suffering of the bleeding boy on the stage.

"ANYONE ELSE WANT TO DISOBEY ME?" The maniac gripped the sword, scarlet drops dripping off.

Dream tucked his sword into his belt. And people stared as he walked away from the boy he so mercilessly slaughtered. Their eyes locked back onto the body, none of them daring to move closer to him.

I glared round at all of them, before climbing up to the stage and sitting down beside the boy, in the ever-growing pool of blood. I scooped the limp boy up in my arms and stood up straight. As I was doing this, I felt him twitch.

"Holy crap... He's still alive."

God, hadn't he suffered enough! Dream had purposely left him there to bleed out and die. Slowly and painfully.

There was a deep slash on his chest. If I I covered it up quickly enough, I might be able to save him.

I whispered under my breath "Don't move a muscle, it'll cause you more pain." And then announced to the small crowd. "Anyone asks me where I am, I'm burying Tommy."

A few people nodded while the rest stared blankly. I didn't want to know what was going through their heads. I was too busy with mine and Tommy's.

I paced away, trying not to seem as if I were in a hurry. It wasn't as if anyone was paying attention to me.

I jogged through the forest, holding the boy as steady as I could. It worried me how light Tommy was but right now, that wasn't my main priority.

There was a small croak and the blonde boy's eyes fluttered open. He stared up at me with his dull, grey eyes. They were once a beautiful blue, that was before his exile.

He croaked a few incoherent sounds before I shushed him. "Don't need to say anything, save your breath. You need all the energy you can get."

I was almost there.

"Focus on something Tommy, anything. Try keep your eyes open."

Tommy tilted his head ever so slightly and stared into the sky. I flung open the door of my house and laid Tommy down on the kitchen table.

I ran to my cabinet and pulled out various items. His eyes were wide open and staring at the ceiling of my unfinished house. Blood was staining the wood of the table.

"Blink twice if you can still hear me Tommy." He blinked once and then twice. "Alright, try keep your eyes open as long as you can, and focus on your breathing."

I kept talking to him as I slowly cleaned the deep, bloody gash across his chest. While doing that, I notice other smaller wounds inflicted by mobs and something else... I swear on my life that I will destroy Dream and everyone who has caused him pain here.

I dabbed a rag soaked with all the healing I had when I heard a whisper.

"Why do you care about me this much..."
"You don't deserve the pain you've been getting, despite how you believe it. I care about you."
"I am 100% sure that he cares for you as much as I do. If not even more. He has missed you."

I notice his eyelids began to droop.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Listen to me. You've come so far, you can't give up. Just try a little longer, for me."

He nodded his head once. I slowly sat him up and wrapped the bandages round his torso. I lifted him up at laid him on the couch. I laid a blanket on top of him and ran to the fridge.

"Have a drink of this before you go to sleep."

With no resistance, he drank the cup of soup before drifting off in a hopefully peaceful sleep.

I picked up my discarded blazer off the floor and folded it. Miraculously, it hadn't gotten any blood on it. I couldn't say the same for my shirt though. I could feel the shirt sticking to my stomach because of the sweat and blood. I grabbed Tommy's crumpled, blood-stained shirt and stared at it.

"This'll be a bother to bleach." I frowned. I glanced back over to the sleeping boy. "I can't tell people he's alive. Dream will hunt us both down."

Making my final decision, I scribbled down on a piece of paper the words: I'll be back in a bit. If you get hungry, have the food on the side. Don't force yourself. Xxx Ranboo

I heated up the soup in the microwave and refilled the cup. I left it on the table beside the couch so Tommy could easily get it, and I left the vacation house.

Aight, I really like this. Uhhh yeah, don't know where this idea came from but it's here now. I think I might do a part 2. Lemme know what you guys think of a part 2.

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now