Stitches. pt 1

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In this, the sleepy bois are normal people, not youtubers, cuz of plot reasons.

Also, two updates + one day = POGGERS

Trigger warning: Medical procedures, description of injury, depression

I'm sick of living my life like this. The constant pain I endure every. single day. It was late into the night, I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. My bruised, bloodied body ran out the house, gently closing the door behind.

I ran through the city, not stopping for anything. The whole world was just a blur. It was a clear night, the crescent moon shining in the night sky. If I wasn't in such a hurry to get far away, then I may of stopped to admire its beauty.

No one batted an eye at me, no second glance. I was thankful for that, for if they were to stop me, they'd see the slash across my forehead. They notice the blood seeping through my trouser leg. They'd see the pain and trauma in my eyes.

I had been running for hours, I didn't know how I had managed to stay awake. It was early in the morning and it was the dead hour, the hour where there were no cars passing by, everyone in their homes. It had started raining at some point but I hadn't noticed, due to my blind panic.

"I'm going to die, I'm loosing too much blood."

I had gotten to the outskirts of town, there were few houses here. I walked under the shelter of one of them and slumped against it, my legs unable to hold my weight anymore.

"I wouldn't mind dying, this is a crappy life anyway."

Black slowly took over my vision but not before I saw out the corner of my eye, a light flash on inside the house. And then the world faded out of view.

Tommy's POV:

Something didn't feel right. My body had woken me up in the middle of the night and I didn't understand why.

I decided to get a glass of water before going back to bed so I used my phone flash light to sneak down the stairs. If I turned on my lights, I'd wake Wil cause he's a light sleeper.

I poured myself some water and was about to go back upstairs when I heard a thump.

"Was that outside?"

Cautiously, I looked outside the window, there was a man there. I thought he was just some random homeless man, until I saw a pool of blood forming under him.

"What the fuck!" I whispered.

I switched on the light and grabbed Phil's keys.

I unlocked the door and the man's upper half hit the flor with a loud thud. I began trying to drag the man inside.

"How do I help him?"

I tried pulling him in by the legs but realized quickly that that was where the blood was coming from.

Wilbur was down in a matter of seconds. "What happe- THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"

Wilbur helped me lift up the man and bring him in all the way. Phil had woken up to our screams.

"Get some towels Tommy, quick!"
"Boys, what are yo- who IS THAT?"
I came back, stampeding down the stairs with a bunch of black towels. "Found outside, needed help."

Wilbur grabbed the med kit and put it on the ground.

"Where's the bleeding coming from."
"Clean and bandage the wound on his head Tommy, and don't look over here."

They rolled up the trouser leg and was met with a nasty sight. The back of his his leg had been cut open deep.

"That might need stitches."
"Go get your mother she knows how to do that."

Phil began cleaning the wound, with me bandaging his head. Kristen came down holding a box of medical supplies. She washed her hands and sat down beside the unconscious man.

She fastened the familiar clamps to the skin, closing the cut.

"This is gonna hurt like hell for him when he wakes up."

She sprayed a special wound disinfectant and began working on the leg carefully.

She had done this before. For my thirteenth birthday, I got a skateboard and we'd all go to the skate park every weekend. Wilbur had his roller-skates and I had my skateboard. About a year ago, I fell and landed in glass. Kristen stitched up my arm but it was way smaller and less deep than this cut.

Kristen finished and carefully removed the clamps. She cleaned the leg and sent Wilbur away to get a pillow to prop up his leg.

"What happened Tommy."
"I dunno, woke up with a weird feeling and came down here to get a drink."
"Lucky you did, he would of been dead by the morning." She said grimly.
Wilbur propped a pillow under his led and put one under his head. "Who is he any way?"
"We'll hopefully find out in the morning."

We were sent back upstairs to sleep, however we did the opposite of. Wilbur grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into his room.

"What do you think happened to him?"
"I don't know." I shrugged "Maybe he was mugged."
"If you do that much damage during a mugging, they don't usually let them leave. And plus, the back of his leg was cut, I don't see how a mugger is gonna do that. They normally go for the neck, shoulders and chest."
"Question; how the fuck do you know that?"
"Cause of the amount of times on my way home from work. Times like that when I'm glad I took martial arts in secondary school."

We sat in silence for a while, until a horrible thought hopped into my head.

"Wil, what if he ran away from home?"
"You saw the scars on his legs and face, what about the rest of him... what if-"
"It's possible, I just hope it's not."

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