An eventful haunting

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Trigger warning: mention of past abuse, toxic relationships, daddy issues :/

There is Jschlatt/ Glatt x Quackity in this story so yeah lol.

Glatt's POV:


The man in a beanie looked around, until he saw me. A frown appeared on his face, for some reason.

"Quit following me Glatt-"
"I found these and they reminded me of you!"

I drifted closer to him and placed a mini bouquet of navy blue flowers I had picked. He looked down at the flowers and back up at me before crushing it in his hand.

"Oh dear, that must of been an accident! I'll make you a new one later." I smiled at him.

He sighed and continued down the path. I floated behind him, humming one of Wilbur's songs he liked to sing.

"Don't you get it. I don't like you Glatt."
"I'm so sorry if did something Quackity, I'll make it up to you-"
"You can do that by leaving me alone. Forever."
"I don't want to leave you though..."

I had to pick up my pace to keep up with him. Jschlatt must of done something really bad for him to always be this mad with me.

"I can't remember what he did..." I mumbled quietly to myself, scratching my head.
"He hurt me Glatt, I'll never forget what he did."
"I don't remember him doing that either." I told him sadly. "I thought you were always happy with him."
"Clearly you know nothing then."

We kept walking in silence and I rethought my life as I could remember. What even is love? I was certain it was one thing, but now I'm unsure.

Quackity's POV:

Glatt was silent for a while. At one point, I thought he had left me alone but he was still on my tail.

"What is love Quackity?"

I was taken off guard by the random question.

"Why do you ask."
"I'm not sure if I understand it."

I thought of Karl and Sapnap. I loved them, but we had drifted apart. We went our separate ways. I'm pretty sure they're still together, with George in Kinoko Kingdom. We had a fight a couple weeks back, and they promised me that they weren't coming back. It doesn't matter, I didn't need them anyway.

"It's like when you care about someone, or something. Want to protect them, no matter what."
"Hmm, interesting."
"Why, you didn't know the meaning?"
"I thought I did." He shrugged.

"What is he going on about?"

"Did he love me? But that wasn't love, Quackity said so. He must be right! But then again-"

Glatt was talking to himself, he often did but it was usually just about whatever he was doing, or some nonsense. But this felt off, who was he talking about?

"Who are you talking about Glatt?"
"I- I don't wanna say."

This was the first time Glatt was holding back from me, which wasn't like him. He'd normally share with me everything whether I wanted to hear or not.

"Quackity? How did Schlatt treat you?"
I thought back to those dark times and shivered. "Badly."

I didn't know why I was spilling all my emotions out to the ghost of my past lover but he felt comforting to me. And as much as I didn't want to admit, I was in love with that damned ghost.

I looked around and mumbled, "He insulted me, and hurt me when he was drunk."
"I know he loved you. I-"
He flinched at my voice, "I don't like yelling..."

I took a moment to breathe, before shortly apologising. I unlocked the front door of my house and stepped inside.

"So I guess he didn't love me."
"Who didn't?"
"My dad."

"What the fuck is this. How messed up is he?"

"What do you mean?"
"He didn't treat me how you describe he should have."

Throughout this whole conversation, he hadn't stopped smiling. He didn't understand the weight of the words he was saying...

"I didn't like his type of love, it hurt. A lot. I don't think it was even love anymore..."
"Heh. We're both fucked up individuals, aren't we."
"I guess so."

The confused ghost yawned and sat down of my couch besides me. He shut his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to see what my love is?"

He looked up at me, eyes shining in curiosity. He nodded.

Preparing myself, I leaned forward and connected our lips. Glatt grunted in surprise, his eyes popping but he soon brought himself closer to me, deepening the kiss. We stayed there for a minute or so, before I had to pull away for air.

"Have you ever done anything like that before?" I asked him.

He shook his head, obviously still surprised.

I smirked, "Sorry I did that, I clearly took you off guard there."
"No it's fine." He put his head back on my shoulder. "I like this type of love. It makes me feel bubbly inside."

He fell asleep pretty soon after and I couldn't sleep. I would have to move him and I didn't want to wake Glatt. Probably more important, that man had definitely managed to make me fall for him again. But this time, I think it won't end as badly.

-time skip-

I heard my door creak open and heard a friend's voice.

"Big Q, I need help-"

Tommy stared at us in the door frame and smirked.

"You better not say anything to anyone." I threatened.
"Hmmmm, I don't know. I could so easily tell everyone-"
"Tommy I swear to god." I whispered. "I'll help you with whatever you want, just never mention this again."

He looked between us.

"He's better than Schlatt." He shrugged. "I'll talk to you in a few hours."

Tommy waved and left the house, as Glatt woke up. He yawned and stretched his arms. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Oh, I forgot I was here." He hugged my arm and climbed onto my lap. "Hallo!"

I flushed in embarrassment and tried to hide my face from him.

"You good?"
"Yeah." I mumbled.

After a while, I got more used to him being there and relaxed more. It was nice.

"I could get used to this."

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum