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"And with the power of God above and Satan below, the dead is revived."

The man clapped his hands together and opened his eyes. But there was no one there...

Instead, there was just a voice. A faint humming. Dream looked around for the source of it but found nothing.

"It... it should've worked! Where's Tommy..?"
"Oh I'm right here Dream."

He swivelled around to see the boy.

"So how was death?" Dream grinned.
"And why should I tell you anything."
"I'm a God Tommy, I'll kill you again and again until you tell me and you can't do anything about it!"

Tommy scoffed. He was leant against the obsidian wall, his head down, arms crossed.

"You really think you can do that. Schlatt didn't tell you something vital about that little revive book of yours~"
"What? What are you saying..."

"In the afterlife, I spent a lot of time speaking to Schlatt. He told me he counted on you doing this, he was after all a smart man. He knew how power hungry you were and by giving you a book to 'revive the dead', it would benefit everyone you killed."

"What are you talking about!? You're alive, it did it's purpose."
"It's impossible to revive someone with out losing something. Equivalent exchange: You have to trade something of equal value. My life for... you wanna guess what you lost?"

Dream started slowly marching to the relaxed teenager before him.

"I didn't lose anything I feel the exact sa-"

Dream's legs crumpled underneath him and he hit the ground hard, winding him.

Tommy chest puffed out and he levitated off the ground for a few seconds. He beamed.

"What did you do Tommy..." The now weak, defenceless man whimpered staring at the ground in confusion.
"You weren't lying about being a God were you." Tommy shrugged a huge grin smeared across his face.

After Dream didn't reply to this Tommy continued.

"My life for your power. You are no God anymore Dream... instead, it is I~ A normal person can't just come back to life."

Dream didn't dare meet eyes with Tommy. Tommy crouched and lifted his head up for him. There was a new power in those ocean blue eyes. No longer the confident anger. Pure power, the eyes of a God.

"You are going to get Sam into here and I'm going to leave this prison."

Dream with no hesitation stood up and began screaming for Sam. He was truly terrified, there was no telling what Tommy was going to do and frankly, he didn't want to find out.

"What do you want Dream!"

The distorted voice of Sam somehow travelled through the lava.

"Sam!" Dream sounded relieved. "Please, come through, PLEASE!"

Sam could hear the fear so he cautiously stepped through the lava.


He gasped. Dream was stood at the barrier, he looked frantic. Tommy was grinning and leant against the chest at the back of the room.

"Tommy?! I- I saw your body, I thought you were dead."
"Oh I was Sam."

He walked towards the barrier and put his hand on Dream's shoulder, making him flinch. Sam noticed this.

"Why is Dream acting like this...?"
"But now I'm back and we're leaving."
"Dream and I!"

Dream sucked in his breath sharply and looked at Sam pleadingly.

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now