Not good enough. pt 2

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-The next morning-

I woke up, I could hear movement coming from upstairs,

"Shit!" I heard footsteps come down the stairs "I'll pretend I'm still asleep."

I kept my eyes closed and stayed in the same position I was before.

I could hear their voices loudly, as if the were speaking through a mega phone.

"How did he get out his room..?"
"He snuck out, are you stupid."
"Stop fighting guys, it doesn't help."
"Where did the flowers in his hair come from?"
"Not a clue, you think I know."
"Wilbur, go make some breakfast. Eggs on toast, or somethin'."

Some time passed and I thought they had all left to go to the kitchen so I sat up and stretched my arms. I rubbed my eyes and opened them. Techno was sat on the floor staring at me.

I glared at him and got up. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and felt my keys in my pocket.

"No, no, no, no. You can't leave yet Tommy."
I stared at him, "You can't stop me." Wilbur and Phil must've heard him cause they walked back in. "None of you can stop me."

I managed to walk to the door and put my keys in, before I was stopped again. Someone had managed to get me in a hug, and despite my struggles, I was trapped.

I didn't bother putting up a resist and I allowed Wilbur to lead me back to the living room. I sat down on the couch and prepared myself for a very uncomfortable talk. I stared down at the floor.

"Tommy you alright?"
I smiled and put on the persona even though it was way too late. "Yeah, I'm great. Why would you even ask that?" Sarcasm laced my words.

They looked at one another, picking out their words carefully. I hated this; being treated like a bomb, that could go off at any point. I don't even know why I snapped. Maybe it was cause of the stress.

"I dunno, you didn't seem too happy last night."
"Oh yeah, why what did I do this time." They looked taken aback. "I want to know what I did wrong last time, cause last time I checked, letting out emotions and speaking my mind wasn't against any rules." I snapped at him.
"Where were you last night."
"The park, guess I wanted some space to think."

Phil was biting his lip, Wilbur looked like he was going to start crying at any moment and Techno looked the saddest he ever had before.

"Listen, Tommy you're the most important thing to me and I'm so sorry for everything I've ever said." Wilbur burst out.

He dived onto me and hugged me for the second time that morning.

"Yeah, we've been worried sick about you mate."
I didn't realise they cared so much. "I'm sorry. For all the trouble I've caused you guys."

I stared at me feet and kickedat the floor.

"No, no. We're sorry. There is no need for you to apologise to us, we were the ones who royally fucked up."
"Oooooooo, Technoblade said a swear word." Wilbur taunted.
"Stap with the bickering." Phil grumbled. At some point, Phil had joined the hug. "Techno, can you grab the remote?"

Techno picked the remote off the floor and sat beside me. I grinned and pulled him into the family hug. He squirmed around a bit, before getting comfortable.

We proceeded to binge watch Netflix for the next few hours.

-some time later-

Someone's phone began ringing, Techno grabbled it off the side and looked at the contact.

"Oh, it's Tubbo."

Hearing his name made me remember my promise I made the night before.

"SHIT!" I jerked up, making the tired men to jump. "Shit, shit, shit." I squirmed out the hug.

I grabbed my phone and picked up, walking out the living room.

"Hey Tubbo. Sorry I completely forgot."
"Oh we can cancel if-"
"NO, I'm leaving now." I saw out the corner of my eye, my family watching me.
"Oh well, take your time Tommy."
"Yeah, yeah." I slipped on one of my shoes. "See ya soon, BYE!"

"Hey where are you going?" Phil crouched down.
"I promised Tubbo I'd meet up with him at the park."
Techno yelled "You were at the park with Tubbo yesterday? Was he the one who did that to your hair?"
"Mhm, I'll be back in a few hours."
"Nah, uh. I wanna come with!" Wilbur piped up getting out of his chair.
"I'm not allowed to go to the park on my own." I sighed.
"No, just call us if you need anything." Phil smiled. "Love you Toms."

I blew a kiss and swished m hair dramatically.

"Farewell family dearest."

I shut the door and skipped down the drive way.

"Maybe they do care..."

Dude I loved writing these!!

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now