Chapter 3: Waking up from a dream

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Alina walked away to the place she abandoned her poor backpack. Picking her stuff from different directions she kept regretting missing a lifetime  chance to talk with an idol.. "Couldn't I just make some good old conversations instead of making a run. "

She looked at herself in her phone camera. 


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She wore a pretty decent attire, but after the exhausting hours of hiking and  dragging herself the entire theme doesn't look as much eye pleasing. 

The back of her loose top drenched in sweat. Brown mud is clearing visible on her simple black pant:( the after-result of laying down just anywhere). Her white sneakers weren't actually white until now. In conclusion, she was a muddy mess. 

Her hair was in a high ponytail. Despite the fact that she wore a cap, the stubborn loose strands of hair made its' way to stick to her sweaty forehead. furthermore, loose strands of hair was poking here and there.

Her face was full of sweats.

Alina's POV:-

" At this point I look like a beggar."

"I must have scared him away with my scary visuals at! What do you even expect Alina, You seriously thought the one and only Kim Junkyu would wait for you, you, for a dust in the whole galaxy, leaving his tight and busy schedules behind."

I sat on the ground hugging my backpack. I can't move my body a single bit now, I feel like fainting anytime.

I need to rest a bit.

"Maybe he wanted to wait but he got a call from the crew for the next shot." I tried to be practical and rationale, as much as possible.

One thought was bothering me , he was wearing an attire for an ordinary citizen. If he is shooting a k-drama, they should cast him as one of the main leads, the prince with expensive royal fancy attire. Even if it's not the main lead, it should still be any influential or high-status roles.They can't possibly cast Kim Junkyu as a Not-so-important role or a normal citizen. Maybe, In the story the prince had to dress as a normal civilian.

 I re-thought about the happenings today. Until, I fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes. Moved my neck a bit and stretched my hand out. Where am I?

"Oh, I was hiking out here. And I fell asleep. And that! Was that just a dream?"

" Of course,it's JUST a dream. My Treasure promotion is still going on, Why would junkyu be in a deep forest in japan filming a kdrama?" I laughed off and realized it's almost sunset ad I haven't reached the resident yet.

It's 6.24 p.m?! 

"Did I BRING MY TORCH!" I quickly searched through my bag and here is a torchlight. Now, I need to hurry back. 

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