Chapter 27

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" You are such a genius" Junkyu said after hearing Alina brag all giggly and proud.

"I saved a disaster so what's my reward?" Slightly raising her eyebrows, she jokingly said.

" You can marry me instead"

She choked on her non existent spit after hearing the most audacious line in the most nonchalant tone.

" The carriage is ready to depart" Chanyeol came to save the day. and yeah the whole military deal stuff with gopala was also successful afterwards.

The ride was not awkward silence at all, not even after that ambitious line thrown at her. The thing is whenever they are together, they are always actively conversing. And Junkyu being the curious and purest soul he is, he wouldn't stop asking questions like " what else was there on your world? How did that thing function?Why did they build it?"

And just like that, they arrived home. The whole little trip gave them a chance to bond on a deeper level. To learn about each other values, priorities and how they have lived life so far. The two of them both knew that they are already like best friends even if no words in the regards were spoken.

However, something else lingered on the back of their thoughts.

" Do you want to go back?"

" Do I want to go back?"

I am getting too much attached with this world. My thoughts on this world, its people have severely change over the course of a few days. But even though it's been going smoothly doesn't mean that I belong here.

I have a life. And I worked hard to get to where was in my life.

Junkyu hugged her. And at that moment they both realised the other person also liked them back.

But again no words will be said.

" ehem..."
Doyoung was there. Standing right behind them.

"Sorry to interrupt the lovey dovey moment- Kim Junkyu, you are to report to father right this instance." He said trying to sound as unbothered as he could.

"Ah, yeah. Just a minute"
Flashing a smile to Alina once more last time, he left.


I did a good job right? For once i succeeded right? Should i expect a compliment? No. He would probably just lash out on me about how clumsy i was.

With a heavy heart he entered the imperial palace.

" My son!"
Almost running, the king came and hugged his son.

You did a good job! Really good job. Nobody else could have done better. I knew you could do everything as long as u set your mind on it.

Junkyu felt that as if for the first time, his father was talking to him not as a king, but as a father

"Should i just abolish the next condition from the decree? You have been travelling all this time with your injury."

"I will do it."
"I will prove to u that i can do it."


Everything was going perfect today. The weather too was just perfect.

i want to confess my feelings
I can no longer control my urge to tell u how much i appreciate you and how much i care for you.

Junkyu made up his mind.


" Miss haewon, u are ordered to be summoned upon his highness" Chanyeol said nonchalantly.

" wait wait wait.... What did I do now?? "
Sis was panicking af.

Thinking back at all her life choices she kept on walking heads down.

" here you are. " doyoung aaid, his back facing towards them.

" wait, which highness were we talking about? I thought wangkyu- " haewon whispered to chanyeol midway in her bowing.

" Chanyeol hyung, u can excuse yourself."

And so left chanyeol, leaving them alone.

" i heard that u were the closest confidant to miss alina" and he was still talking while facing the other way.

" i guess i am? "

" Are they in love? " doyoung asked.
"By they you mean... His highness -"
"Yes, who else would i mean"

Hesitating for a bit she answered, "yes, it seems so."

" oh " He was hoping for that one percent chance where the answer could have been no.

" if i may can i ask something" Haewon mastered up her courage to sputter these 7 words.

"Go on"

" Do u like her, i mean alina?"

He scuffed before answering.
" Yes, isn't it obvious. Why else would i pry on their private matter? "

"I am no one to judge, but at least from what i have seen, it doesn't seem so"

Silence scattered for a minute or so.

"Elaborate" said the prince, looking down.


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