Chapter 18

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Her breath was stuck as he came closer and closer. She saw him extending his arms upwards, towards her.

 "WHAT THE FORK IS HE DOING NOW!!!" The scene almost looked like the starting point of a kiss scene from a drama. Almost too perfect that Alina was freaking out all over. 

Even though she basically gets freaked out on daily basis, as if now, she was the most freaked out. Her mind has started making new scenarios.

 A cold feeling coming in contact with her comparably warm neck, made her jolt up back into reality. She touched the object that has been attached to her neck, by the grinning boy. 

      "It's beautiful." She stared at the necklace, stirring it within her finger.

 " It looks good on you" He tried reading her unreadable expression. Even she herself didn't know what to think. 

"Junkyu, I-"

"Your highness" A woman bowed from the door, asking for permission to enter.

 "come in" he said to the woman. He was kind of annoyed at her for extinguishing the burning moment. Okay, Not just kind of annoyed, he felt like straight up firing the medic. 

He got up from his sitting position on the bed, giving the medic the space to examine her. After only a few minute of checking her nerve and looking at the overall state, she backed down. 

There was a sense of hesitation in the woman on going anywhere near the patient. It was as if, she wanted to just get it done with. 

This was not the same medic as before, this one was the real imperial medic. "He is clearly embarrassing me and insulting my medical experience. Me? And treating a servant?" She was filled with abhorrence but dared not show any of that in front of the prince. 

 "Your highness, She is fine as of now. Her injuries have healed quite fast, but she should refrain from moving too much at least 1 more week." She said being totally polite, unlike the inside of her that was burning for an inexistent insult. With that she took her leave. 

 "Heard that? You will take rest for 2 weeks... don't you dare move around" 

"But she said just 1 week -"

"And I said 2 weeks." He wanted her get as much rest as possible. 

"ehem-" She cleared her throat.

" what happened to Seo Hee?" She asked lowering her voice as she pronounced the name of the bitch.

 "That- She is at her families manor, making quite a big hassle. She quickly went crying to her father after beating you" He said rolling his eyes.

 That's the first time she ever saw him rolling his eyes.But her pride got crashed, no time to laugh over his cuteness.

 "YA- Who beat who? I got beaten by hEr?" She said raising her voice more than usual, but that's her normal tone of voice. 

"I mean after she got beaten up by you" he said quickly seeing her curved eyebrows.

 "So I was in coma for a week and you say she is the one who is at the worst condition? I see, only the novels health matter" She said In the same intimidating way as before. 

"I-" Junkyu became wordless at her sudden intimidating tone. Seeing his such face, she couldn't help herself but to laugh out loud. 

"I was just kidding" She said as she was still recovering from the good laugh; She ruffled his hair, while still giggling. 

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