Chapter 29: Together

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" i was the one being inconsiderate. Never once did i ever consider her circumstances"
  I swing my fist hard at the wall, causing a thud sound.
It stings.

What stings? My bleeding Knuckles or my heart?

The more i try to forget about that beautiful afternoon's happenings, the more frequently i go back to those moments.

" i need to go back " Her words, her exact expression keeps looping over and over again in my head.

Of course she need to go to her own world. If there is any of course.

I was being that immature little brat in his first love.


I close my door and sit on my bed, closing my window.

" what? My door?  My bed? My window?  My?? Nothing here is yours. Stop deluding yourself. "
I scuffed.

Eyes flaming with anger and clenched fists punching the air. Look at me.

So pathetic.

I shouldnt be doing this. I should have been giving my midterms.
  I should have been stressed out about my syllabus, not some fucking prince of nowhere.

I crumble down on the floor, wrapping my arms around myself.
For a moment, i dream of what would happen, if i just stay with the person i have come to love.

Would he keep loving me like this? Will i be content with having my only identity as 'the Prince's lover' ?


Today's a joyous day. This day marks the Alliance anniversary of unified Silla and it's neighbouring country japan.

Tea ceremony, boring old lectures, Martial art showcase, music and dance.

Every thing just seemed to flash before Junkyu's eyes. Nothing is fun.

And at last it was the 'gather around and drink ' session, or more specifically the 'make connections' session.

Junkyu couldn't be any more interested in this shit.
So he sat down on the lonely bench in the luxurious garden, where he would find himself emptying 2 jugs of wine

"Why is my alcohol telorance so high today?"

" How good it would be if i just blanked out and died. "

With light footsteps and a heavy find, junkyu went back home. he was on his way back to his room.

Suddenly, He would get lightly pushed back as a figure hugged him tightly.

This figure digged her head insidd his chest as of someone would come and take him away, right distance.

" guess am i finally drunk" junkyu mutters.

He knew that head and he kew those hands that gripped his back.
  Alina looks up.
" I don't want to leave you. I can't live, if i leave you."
This sentence lightened his eyes for a moment.
But not more than a second.
The smell of strong alcohol reached his nostrils.

"You're drunk."
He crouches down to grip her knees and carries her up in her arms.

Whilst, Alina slowly slid her hands from his chest to his neck, and wrapped her hands around it, while so burying her head in the crook of his neck.

But she wouldn’t stop there.
A soft kiss oh his neck would startle junkyu. Another. She would move up to his jawline, placing soft yet desperate small kisses.

One step, two step, three step, He kept walking. He knew he had to take her to her room and pretend he didn't hear anything earlier.

"Those are merely drunk words and drunk actions. "

His head got dizzy all of a sudden. Thankfully there was a bench nearby. He sat her down in the bench and sat down next to her.

"Why are you not saying anything" she said gazing at his eyes with emptiness.

He didn't reply anything again. He looked down on the ground.

Next moment, he would get down on his knees in front of her. To tie her showlace.

How he wished he could kneel for another reason.

Her hands reached for him. Cupping his cheeks. Pulling him forward.

She went in to match her lips with his.
One small contact and she would pull back a little.
Their noses touching each other. One exhale and she did it again.

Junkyu gripped hed shoulders and pushed hed back. Gulping down he would say,
" Do not do things you would regret later"

" i Won't. I love you"
Her eyes, lips were shaking.
Junkyu looked at every small detail of her
Face, how every muscle moved.

He removed his knee from the ground, pushing it up and beinding forward.

This time he initiated the kiss.
A small contact won't suffice.
They bith went deeper. Moving their lips in unison.

He subtly angled his neck to match the rhythm.
One hand on her neck and another gripping her waist.

He would kiss her upper lip one last time before backing off, panting for breath.

He carried her on his arms again. Her room was just ahead.

" you know, you are the best thing that i've experienced in my both worlds." she whispered in his ear.

" but i can't force you to abandon your everything."

He placed her down on her bed. Pulled the blanket over her.

Going over to her headside, he gently caressed her hair.

" how i wish i could've been in inside of world."


What was that?
I want that to be a dream, however at the same time i wish nothing more than for it to be real.

  The memories of last night came flashing back to me. None of what i said were words of insincerity, neither were my actions.

But my drunk self was too honest. Too attracted to the love of the present.

" you awake" a knock along with a voice came from the door.

Of course, it was him.

"Do u perhaps remember?" he said slowly and carefully after entering.

"Very clearly. But i'm not satisfied with my memory. I want to remember everything i felt at that moment." she said coming a few steps forward.

Getting the assurance from her gaze. He made Their lips meet again. His palms on her neck, he passionately devoured her lips.

  "Will this do?" he asks under his breath.


" You don't need to stay back for me."
He says.

" i will help you return, To where you belong."


He told her about his first encounter with her. The fried rice girl incident.

I knew all along that i needed to go to that mountain if i want to go back. But my Curiosity about this world, about you, held me back.

  " let's go there together once the birthday banquet ends."

Fried Rice Girl || Kim JunkyuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora