Chapter: 4 - Sightseeing gone wrong

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The next day,

10 a.m

I managed to change my traveling location from those ancient heritages to visit some natural sceneries.

I was clicking photos on some super expensive camera, that my father gave me and some random person gave it as a gift to my father.( in order to win him over to his good sides.)

Anyways, I have click this photos in order to send proof to my parents that I went out of my room and also some for my roommate Adiba. She wanted pics to use for her paintings, she is a great painter btw. And for the record,I don't like taking photos.

Oh,t his one came out good. Maybe I should try out this angle.

Even though, She forced herself to believe she hates sight-seeing, she somehow felt contented, delighted and joyful whilst finding the best angles to capture the captivating and breathtaking scenery.

But, whether I have fun or not, it doesn't matter. I am not doing anything productive.

"Then why do I follow Treasure and use so much time on them?"

Maybe it's because they are my happy pills.

I was lost in my own thoughts suddenly drifting onto the teu-land of self reflect.

"But if I am being honest to myself, can I actually consider myself a treasure maker?I'm mostly there for my own happiness and the new contents. I try to give back as much as much as possible, but I have my own priorities. "

"It isn't a thing to worry about.Out of hundred thousand of peoples effort if the efforts of one person is missing it won't make any difference, there are other people with lots of free time and love,dedication for treasure; who are giving effort and will keep giving their best."

Cold breezes blew past me making some strands of hair fall on my face. The wind was blowing a little too much now.

Many people with families were now exiting the area, after the sudden change in weather.

"Ma'am, are you finish your sight-seeing?"

Some guy asked from the crowd, in broken Korean.

Oh, it's not some random guy, it's that dude who was sent here by that man to 'ensure that I have a good trip.' He has to follow after me, wherever I go.

I had gotten used to it, being followed.

Even after having a border separating me and my fathers' status in 2 different countries, he still manages to watch over everything I do.

" You don't have talk to me Korean, you can just talk in Japanese." I said flashing a smile.

" Actually, I have something to tell you. It might seem disrespectful but..."

That man said looking down.

" Go ahead....

That man isn't going to confess, is he?

Kids these days are shameless, who knows.

He hesitated for a whole minute before finally saying,

" actually... actually I have a date with my girlfriend right now. I'm afraid, She is going to break up with me if I don't reach in time. Can ma'am please let me go."

I am biting my inner cheeks with my teeth, in order to not break out in laugh.

Lose your job or lose your girlfriend. What an intense situation.

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