Chapter 8: Elegancy and Cruelty

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"You, get up, come with me. "

Someone called me. It was that old lady.

I somehow saw pity and sympathy in her eyes the first time I saw her. But now that I look at them they seem to only have selfishness in them.

Unwilling to follow her, I didn't move an inch.

She forced me to walk with her, As I thought would happen.

I know protest won't earn me anything but as a victim, Don't I have the rights to show some attitude and complain the hell out of them and atleast make their ears bleed ?

She threw into a separate room and a piece of cloth was sent flying towards me which landed straight on my face.

" Wear this cloth, quickly. No buyer with a normal reasoning would ain't buying you with these clothes."

She shouted at my face.

" Who is buying who?" "Did I hear something wrong?"

She and the others talked in a very history textbook like way, so.. sophisticated and complex, using ancient words which are rarely used in urban society.

I don't trust my ears, I just heard it wrong or mixed " sell" with other words.

" How do you wear this? "

I didn't have much experience in wearing this type of dress before, but I guess I will have to obey her in order to not earn another slap.

I got out, wearing the dirty dress she gave me, leaving my paragliding suit there.

The cloth I was wearing inside the suit, I wore it inside of that dress.

I am not leaving behind my expensive, designer top that the Police head of the whole south korea gave me on my recent birthday.I was thinking about selling it afterwards.

But it is full of blood and filled and torn everywhere.

But... the real reason would be, it's incredibly cold outside. I don't think I can survive with this thin piece of clothing.

The old woman was standing outside the room, after I came out she again made me follow along her somewhere.

I silently followed her.

She stopped in front of me, which made me bump into her back.

" shit! I just earned a slap for my myself." I murmured.

"Listen here, young girl."

I gulped down. It seemed like there's a lump stuck in my throat.

" If you want to survive, let go of your survival instinct."

Eh? What kind of logic is that?

"Just follow and obey what your master says. Don't try to be smart, being smart will only make you suffer more. Make your only goal to survive, let go of other unrealistic hopes and wishes. Then, you'll have a tiny bit of chance to stay alive. "

Some of her words seemed to made some sense to me.

"Just follow what they throw at you."

"Nonsense, If we only live to survive then we will be nothing more than other animals who live only to pass their genes to the next generation and keep their species alive."

Talking about animal species I had an big assignment to finish in the break. Obviously, someone will get me out. After I get out of this sh!t, Would I have enough time to complete it?

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