Chapter 28 : Elaborate

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" okay so how should i put it down" Haewon was brainstorming her brain, to her brains full capacity.

" So, why do u think u love her " she asked.

" I-..... My heart beats faster when i'm with her and my cheeks get flustered when i think about her." He said after thinking for a long time.

" okay so, did ur heart ever beat faster when u were to give a speech in front of the whole classroom?" Haewon asked slightly hesitantly, raising her eyebrows.

Doyoung cleared his throat.
" yes, it did"

"Did ur heart never beat faster when you did something wrong and your dad found it out"

"Yes, it did"

" Were their any romantic feelings involved in these circumstances? No... I presonally believe that heart beating faster should not be associated with whether you love a person or not. " She was now confidantly talking, as if she were a lecturer.

" But I love her. I love everything about her." He said looking straight into Haewon's eyes.

" And what is this everything, you speak of? How much is this everything?" She too looked straight into his eyes.

" i-i- i like how she - she - Nevermind. Why am i explaining this to you."

"I just love her." He said now almost frustrated. Not at Haewon, but at himself.

"You are simply attracted to her just as bees are attracted to pretty flowers."

She took a small break to arrange her thoughts and continued,

" From my personal philosophy i believe that, love is a very deep emotion and there is a clear difference between love, attraction and Curiosity.

Your highness, tell me honestly, exactly what emotion do u feel when u look at her?"

"She seems distant from this world, so different. I get curious. Curious about her. Curious about how it would be if she were mine. And I seem to daydream" He answered, almost on the verge of breaking down.

Haewon took a deep breath.

" So u like the version of her that u have created in ur imagination little by little, not the real her. Why? Because you never actually had a proper conversation with her. You never knew her at all. It's just your brain mixing up Curiosity with love. "

Please do forgive me for my impudence. But i deemed it urgent to have you come in realisation to your own feelings and not make yourself suffer deliberately."

Doyoung was only standing at his place. Not moving an inch. Haewon's words were the reality check that he desperately needed to realise. But it was all too much at once, for him to digest.

Right when his vision went blurry and a teardrop threatened to fall, he turned the other way and walked away.

"Poor doyoung" Haewon left a big sigh and went on her own way.

Even though she said that she has never indulged in a romantic relationship, i believe it won't be the first time she will be receiving a confession.

I need to make mine the best.

But hearing about all those tales about all those extravagant and dazzling wonders from her world, I don't think anything from my world can amuse her....


Chanyeol let the bird free, which was previously sitting on his arms.
And proceeded to open the white rolled paper that the messenger bird brought.

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