Chapter 24 : The world you are from

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12 hours spent on the road. It was pitch dark outside now. They decided to spend the night on a inn and get some rest for the road ahead would not allow it.

" This is 10000 much worse than jet lag, how do y'll even travel in this damn thing that shakes at every stone and shit "

Resting his chin in his hand, Junkyu eyes were fixated on her the whole time.

"Doesn't this young master and his darling look in love?" someone from the other tables at restaurant said.

Alina glanced around a bit before getting back to her food. the most important thing right now is eating, nothing else matters.


They were back on their own rooms.

12 hours doing absolutely nothing surely gave her enough time to sort the updated situation again. She sure has already fallen for the boy. And she admits it. And the possibility of the boy liking her back was not left out.

But the borderline of what should be done and what not puzzles her. Gravely.

Alina made her way to the balcony on the hallway . The sky today sure was pretty.

"What if I just stayed here?"

The alluring sky, the world without big towers and big smokes everywhere. A world without global warming and whatever else there is . It was tempting. It was messing with her mind.

She almost jumped over the rails as a sudden blow of air reached her ear.

"Sorry for startling you" Junkyu too panicked.

" look at all those stars shining so brightly. Do u not feel like exploring all of it " She spoke halfheartedly.

"But I want to know about you more." he leaned against the railing.

" All of a sudden?"

"Not all of a sudden. I've wanted to know everything about you from a very long time." his gaze stirred up a storm on her soul.

"Tell me about the place you are from.. is it overseas?"

" The world... I am from. Let's see. It is different from this place, very different. But at the same time, It is the same."

"I will just pretend I understood whatever you said just now." His tone was soothing, comforting.

" What was the sky like from the world you are from?"

" Surprisingly, it looks the same. But It never amused me much. Waking up and living day to day life in a certain routine and goal, I took it for granted. Never did it ever occur to me that everything that worked for all my life, everything I was used to all my life would just vanish in a blink of an eye. " Junkyu kept listening carefully.

" How did it happen?" Cautiously he whispered.

By now a teardrop had left her eye.

"It's okay If you don't want to -

"No, I should" She wiped the tears.

" It doesn't matter If you think I got mental issues. I just can't hold everything in any longer. Would you lend me a ear?" She sat on the swing, and the boy seat next to her too. Ready to hear her story.


"The world I am from, It has conquered even the mysteries on the sky. It is a world with big dreams. I too was living my life with big ambitions. My life wouldn't have been gone any more perfect than it was going. I excelled in academics, I didn't have financial problems, I had a place in the social circle, I was competent." She paused to get a breather.

" That day too I was planning on finishing all my assignments early and start the final syllabus after I got back. But then I wanted to go paragliding, which is like a thing that makes you fly in the sky for a while." Junkyu's face had a lot of questions but he suppressed them for now.

"Then a tornado happened., I got caught in it and here I am. I reached Your world. Got labeled as a slave. now living as an unidentifiable maiden with no value. isn't it all so bewildering? " She was crackling at her life.

Junkyu didn't know what to do or what to say. They sat there silently.

"I believe you." he broke the silence looking at her.

"I will try my best to understand you, understand my friends world." he placed his hand on top her hand in a reassuring manner.

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