24 [The Girl Lost in a World Wothout Rain]

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Percy plopped into a chair next to Bianca. Nico was sleeping on a cot surrounded by scratchy, starch-white blankets. Bianca was trembling. Percy couldn't figure out if it was from trying not to cry or something else entirely.

Her hat laid in her lap. Bianca's hands clutched it with white knuckles. A rip started at the seam on one side, the strings frayed and burnt. Percy knocked his hand against her hip. Bianca sniffled and turned away from him. She positioned her knees to her left, Percy awkwardly sitting to her right.

"I'm going to kill him." She said. Her words were harsh and broke the silence like twine snapping.

A tear rolled down her cheek, brushing over a yellowing bruise on her skin.

"I'm going to ma-make Tartarus look like a fucking picnic for what he did to my-my baby brother!" Percy heard a small pop. Bianca flung herself to her feet, throwing her cap to the ground.

"That sick fu-fucker!" Her voice held something that made Percy feel cold. Her eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint, and he felt his bones rattle. Outside, just past the window, three birds dropped to the ground.

Percy didn't need to see them to confirm they were dead.

"I'll kill him." Bianca's voice faded to a whisper. Her arms shook and tears became seas down her cheeks. Her breath hitched every-so-often, and she radiated darkness.

"I'll kill him with my bare hands."

Percy screamed as something in his arm snapped, then flooded his veins with firey pain.

Entangled [A Percico/Pernico Fanfiction] ✳️Where stories live. Discover now