19 [Morning Rays]

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"– ery. Percy." Nico's voice pulled Percy from his sleep. The son of Poseidon cracking one eye open. He had a hand on his bare chest, and the other rested on Nico's head (which was on his shoulder). "Morning." He groaned with a crooked grin. Nico shifted his body, Percy's arm removing itself from his waist. Percy noticed how Nico relaxed his muscles when that happened, pain shooting in his heart for a minute.

"Your ex-girlfriend is in our cabin." Nico muttered to him, sitting up. The son of Hades put his back against the wall and let his legs sprawl across Percy's. Percy looked over, still laying down. "I invited her over last night. Found her vomiting in a bush." Nico grimaced, nose wrinkled in disgust. "Ew." He whispered as he licked his dry lips.

"Is there a problem with her being here?" Percy questioned apprehensively. Nico shrugged. "I mean, I wanted to do something... that... just the two of us should know about." His voice changed, Percy froze.

He knew that voice.

"Okay," he spoke as Nico gave him a soft grin and lustful look. "Well go to the showers, no one will be up at this time." Percy said as he motioned to the clock. It was 6:40 AM.

Nico nodded and got out of bed, Percy sitting up. "I'll be a minute, you go and get yourself all ready for a . . . Shower." Percy let the words slip out as naturally as they could. Nico gave a swift nod, quickly running to the showers.

The door slammed loudly behind him, waking up Annabeth. "Percy?" She asked, blinking a few times. She was obviously confused and tired.

"Hey 'beth." Percy greeted gently. "Nico?" Annabeth croaked, "Showers. He seemed pretty... intimate and lustful towards it today." Percy answered, his cheeks burning slightly. Annabeth shook her head, her mouth filter had yet to take effect.

"Pro'lly cause of trauma. I read that some victims want to get back to their normal life, insisting nothing happened. Maybe he feels dirty and needs to make himself feel like he's dirty because of you and your mind blowing sex... not Will's forced sexual assault." Percy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Should I go to the showers?" He asked her, feeling the need to seek for advice.

Annabeth nodded, blonde hair a mess as it covered her eyes. "See how he is. Do some things, start slow, but don't have sex. See how he reacts, then, you hold him. See how bad he needs it, make him explain and justify his actions. Be his coping mechanism, but withdraw your body from his."

"That sounds cruel."

"Life is cruel."

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