9 [Will, What're You Doing?!]

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Nico didn't leave Percy's cabin at all last night. Leaving Will (and Annabeth) to themselves. The two unaware that the dark-eyed teen had seen them in the act. Nevertheless, Nico plastered on a fake smile, and walked outside.

That smile lasted about two seconds and then turned into a frown. Like always, he wasn't really the smiling type.

"Hey, Nico! Did you sleep at Percy's last night? I didn't see you come back." Will asked, having instantly walked up to him. Will gave Nico a carefree smirk, gently intertwining their fingers as the two walked. Holding Nico's hand up to his lips, Will kissed it. Adding a chuckle as his smile widened.

"What's gotten you so happy this morning?" Nico asked, "You'll see. If this all goes right, I think you'll be pretty happy too." Nico, confused, nodded mutely. he chose not to comment about the consuming flowery scent Will had on him. Or how his hair seemed to be brushed back, reminding the Italian a little of Draco Malfoy. Even how he had a hint of lemon shampoo smell on his clothes, no, Nico chose to stay silent.

Making their way to the Poseidon table, Nico sat down. Will remained standing, his eyes wondering to the Aphrodite table, Apollo table, and Annabeth. Nico popped his knuckled nervously, his mind racing.

Percy, where was he? Nico wondered, noticing that Percy wasn't sitting in front of him like usual.

Searching for him silently, Nico quickly scanned the area. Percy, he had found, was sitting next to Annabeth. His eyes staring at Nico, the green in them seemed dull, and dark.

Nico gulped. if Percy's eyes told him anything to go by, events were going to happen that would change everything.

"1... 2... 3!" Will has shouted, the two tables he had been glancing at earlier standing up. Immediantly, they had started to sing.

Their harmonic voices quickly filled the air. Will grabbing something from Percy's plate. Percy still staring at Nico.

"Nico di Angelo." Will stated, his voice happily saying Nico's name. Nico blushed, embarrassed by the attention.

His eyes blinked quickly, his mind trying to catch up with all that was happening. "We met when we were young." He began, making Nico think of several snappy remarks to reply with. Unfortunately, he never got to say them, as Will had moved on.

"And now, I want to take this to the next level. Us to the next level." He let out a shaky laugh. "I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Will's crystal blue eyes started to tear up. His hands grasping a red sphere tightly.

Nico nearly fainted. His heart was beating so fast he could hear it beat in his ears. His throat felt cut off, and he gasped once. Afraid to breath, as if taking a single breath would speed this all up. Make him answer, in front of everyone.

Percy walked up to him, clapping him on the shoulder as gently as he could. As if signaling him to say yes to Will's next question.

"Neeks, will you marry me?"

Nico's whole body was shaking. His eyes glaring at the apple in Will's hand. On the stem of the fruit, was a band. A thick, good band. With dark onyx gems embedded into the metal. The onyx evenly spaced and making a circle around the golden ring.

He struggled to make a sound. It was too much. He was with Annabeth, he had a kid with her. Annabeth had cheated on Percy, and tried to press the baby onto him.

It wasn't fair.

Nothing was fair about this.

He didn't know how long the relationship between the blonds had lasted. Maybe it had started months before Percy kissed Nico. Perhaps only hours.

Maybe only after they were caught– somehow. It was always a possibility that they had hate sex and ended up with a baby on the way. He didn't know. After all, if anything, they'd probably suspected something between them. But Percy and Nico were always so careful.

Nothing added up.

Nico's thoughts were flooding his mind. His heart drowning in the never ending thoughts. Consuming his whole body as the campers awaited an answer from him.

Will wanted an answer from him.

So, Nico did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed Percy's hand, and shadow traveled.

All the way to his father's throne. Percy still being in his grasp.

"Nico?" His father questioned.

"Too much." Nico murmured, and then collapsed.

Entangled [A Percico/Pernico Fanfiction] ✳️Where stories live. Discover now