8 [Why Care?]

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"Why do we care again?" Percy asked, holding the son of Hades to his chest. Nico nuzzled his nose into the crook of Percy's neck. The tears that had leaked out of his eyes leaving his face sticky. Nico's hands gripped tighter onto the back of Percy's shirt.

"We cheated on them, remember?" Nico trembled quietly. Nico enjoying the feeling of Percy's warm breath going to his forehead. Percy's nose managing to tangle itself into the tips of Nico's hair.

"She's lying to us." Nico murmured.

Percy sighed, "And we're lying to her?" He suggested, still a little confused.

"You're and idiot." Nico said, taking his face away from Percy's body.

Standing shakily on his own two feet, Nico paced around the Poseidon cabin. "If Annabeth and Will are together, and you guys never. . . Did the deed." Nico looked at Percy, hoping he'd connect the dots.

Percy gasped, hands coming up to his mouth. "Oh my gods." He whimpered, "It might not even be my baby." He spoke, eyes widened in realization and shock.

Nico nodded, the pale Italian still paving. His footsteps creating a patterned beat in the, now silent, cabin.

"Exactly." Nico managed to whisper, his eyes still glued to Percy. "She's trying to place me in as the baby's father. . . But she– she had s—" Nico went up and kissed him.

Roughly shoving his lips to Percy's. Pressing their foreheads together, Nico unlatched his lips. "Stop. I don't like her hurting you." He said, tears starting to sting his eyes again.

"Are you okay?" Percy questioned. Nico let out a shaky breath. Answering with three, uncertain words.

"I don't know."

Entangled [A Percico/Pernico Fanfiction] ✳️Where stories live. Discover now