7 [What To Do]

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"We can stay together, at least until the baby's born." Nico decided, looking at Percy. Percy grinned, "Okay. That might work." He replied, now holding Nico's body close to his. Nico could feel Percy's hot breath on his forehead. Nico moved his face upwards, kissing his chin. Percy let out a giggle. 

"I should go. It's almost curfew." Nico informed, looking at the clock that Percy had hung up a few months ago. Percy gave a mock pout, "But Nico!" He whined, causing the son of Hades to roll his eyes. "Will might get worried if I skip sleeping in my cabin three times in a row because of. . . Godly parent business." Nico explained briefly, stepping out of the cabin. 

"I love you!" Percy said loudly, Nico sighed. "Love you too." 

The son of Hades then left, leaving Percy alone. 

"I'm going to be a dad." He stated to himself, the news starting to sink in. "There's going to be a tiny human. . . Calling me their father." He thought aloud. "I'm going to end up killing the tiny human by accident!" Percy loudly exclaimed, frowning, but then laughing. 

"I won't kill it. . . I won't, right?" The silence had no answers, and Percy looked longingly at the door. He missed Nico, and it had only been. . . 3 minutes. 

Suddenly, Nico shadow traveled inside. His face shiny, tears leaking out of his eyes. 

"Neeks?" Percy questioned, getting up from the bed. Nico stepped towards him, his whole body trembled.

"Will and Annabeth are together." He whimpered. 

Entangled [A Percico/Pernico Fanfiction] ✳️Where stories live. Discover now