18 [Percy...]

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Annabeth vomited violently into the Poseidon cabin bushes. Tears stung her eyes, and guilt formed in the pit of her stomach. I'm sorry the blonde girl thought, right before letting another wave vomit leave her lips. Well, Annabeth now knew it was stomach bile. She shuddered and coughed. Thick, chunky liquid running down her chin and sticking to her lips.

"Annabeth?" Percy whispered as he stared at his ex-girlfriend. Annabeth gaged, harshly wiping throw up from her lips. Percy hesitantly made his way over to her. His hands going to her back, rubbing it in soothing circles as Annabeth let a sob escape her lips.

Percy's eyes stung from the strong scent of her vomit, and he pulled loose hair away from her face. "You done, Wise Girl?" He questioned after a few minutes. Annabeth gave a dry heave. "There's nothing left." She whimpered after a few minutes more.

"Let's go to my cabin." Percy ordered softly, letting Annabeth take his arm. "M'kay." Came her soft reply.

Percy opened the cabin door and cringed as the door let out a squeak. "Shh, Nico's sleeping in here too." Rn whispered to his ex. "Too?" Annabeth questioned, blinking slowly.


Percy laid her down on a bed, then grabbed the trash can to his right. He then sat at the edge and covered Annabeth up. "How does it feel to be pregnant?" He questioned, attempting to make small talk.

Annabeth shuddered and shook her head.

Nico's even breaths seemed loud in the quiet cabin.

"I'm not." Annabeth told Percy. Sniffling as she felt tears roll down her cheeks. Guilt clawing at her chest as sorrow joined the mix. Percy froze and carefully wiped Annabeth's chin of vomit. "But Aphrodite–" Annabeth choked down a sob and interrupted him.

"I had an abortion." Pain flared in her abdomen. She clutched it and winced. "Ah." She hissed, Percy gripping her hand nearly just as she curled into a ball.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, removing his hand shortly after.

Annabeth gave a pitiful shrug. "It was for the best. I-I couldn't take care of the-them." Annabeth cursed to herself for stammering.

Percy got up, using his fingers to brush back Annabeth's blonde curls. He leaned over, Annabeth watching as he kissed her forehead.

"Sleep tight, Wise Girl."

"Thank you." Percy smiled and shook his head. "It was nothing." Annabeth sat up and grabbed his hand, ignoring the stabbing, warned pains her body gave. "I'm serious." Annabeth debated as she glanced at Nico's sleeping body.

"Thank you, Seaweed Brain."

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