Natasha Romanoff

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plot: giving you therapy
!!TW!!: trauma, incinuated pain kink,
3rd pov:
"Oh, you like pain?" Natasha asks you. "Mhmmm." You hum. "Alright tonight I'm gonna make it hurt." "Oh yeah?" She asks intrigued. "Oh yeah. You know what we're gonna do?" "What are you gonna do to me?" "You wanna know?" "Yeah!" "We're gonna confront that trauma and start the healing process." She smiles at you. "Oh yea- noooo!" You gape at her. "Oh yeah!" "Aw! You tricked me! This isn't the horny fun I wanted!" You whine. "You better get horny for healing!" "What's the safeword? Pineapple! Pineapple! Pineapple! Pineapple!" You yell. "No! To late for that! Here's your memories of middle school!" "Pineapple!" You cry out.

"What's going on in here?" Wanda says coming in, "Why is Y/n crying?" "Therapy! I'm helping her, aren't I Y/n?" Natasha says. "Help me!" You yell towards Wanda. "Childhood trauma! That's proably what it is. Let's talk about it." "Pineapple!" "I think therapy might be over for today, don't you agree Y/n?" Wanda says. "Pineapple!" "I'm pretty sure that was a yes." "Okay, then let's talk about your childhood trauma, Wanda." Nat suggests. "Pineapple! Y/n, let's go!" Wanda says. You quickly grab her outstreched hand and run.


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