Lizzie Saltzman

374 11 0

plot: landon figuring out what everyone is
!warnings!: nine I think, let me know if I'm wrong

3rd pov:
"Raph is a werewolf. You're a vampire," Landon says pointing a Mg, and the curly-haired boy nods, "You're a witch," Penelope nods, "You and Josie are siphon witches?" "Yeah, mophead." Lizzie sighs. "Okay, then Hope's a tribrid. Which is a vampire, witch, and a werewolf in one." "Yup." Dr. Saltzman says confirming his theory. "What are you, Y/n?" "I'm a ghost." You smirk at the boy. "What?" "Now you see me," You say before disappearing, "now you don't." You finish walking around. "Ho-how did you do that?" Landon asks confused. "My girls a ghost," Lizzie says as you reappear on the other side of the room.


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