Elizabeth Olsen

785 18 3

plot: after joining the marvel cast you answer some fan questions

3rd pov:
"Hi my name is Y/n L/n and today I will be answering some of your burning questions." You say holding a bowl up and smiling. "Okay, let's get started. First one," You pull out a peice of paper, "Where is Y/n L/n from? I am from Y/H/T (your home town)," then tossing it on ground, "I'll pick that up later. Is Y/n L/n coming to Marvel? I am, although I can't say when," You pout before tossing the paper aside, "Who is Y/n L/n's celebrity crush? I don't really know but if I had to choose someone it would be Elizabeth Olsen or Aj Cook, so hit me up." You joke, "Who is Y/n L/n's best friend? Andy Sanburg, he and I are practically siblings. Okay next!" You cheer throwing up the paper, "Y/n L/n and Elizabeth Olsen dating? God, I wish. I would die. Just die. Y/n L/n and Elizabeth Olsen... fanfiction. I- Why are y'all searching this?! And creating this? Ya nastys," You say in a Raven Simone impression. Okay, last question, are Y/n L/n and Chris Hemsworth friends? I hope so, we've been on quite the same sets." You smile.


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