Wanda Maximoff

497 13 0

plot: nights...
!TW!: mommy kink
( you'll never be able to take mommy!wanda away from me )

3rd pov:
"Babe?" You ask your girlfriend from across the couch. Wanda ignores you keeping her eyes trained on the book in front of her. "Baby?" "...No," Wanda says simply. "Darling?" "That's what I call you." Wanda then puts her book down. "My love?" You try again. "Do you want to try me tonight, Y/n?" Wanda asks moving from her spot to the one next to you. "Mommy?" "That's a good girl." Wanda praises smiling. You smile at her before leaning up to kiss her. Wanda smiles, kissing you.


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