Elena Gilbert

404 12 0

plot: you think you're pregnant

3rd pov:
"I'm pregnant!" You exclaim walking into the Gilbert kitchen. "You're not pregnant!" Elena yells following after her girlfriend. "Wait, who's pregnant?" Jeremy asks setting his cereal on the counter. "Me!" "Congratulations!" He smiles pulling you into a hug. "She's not pregnant." Elena sighs, pulling you and her brother apart. "Easy, Elena, I'm with child." "You are not with child." "I'm gonna be an uncle!" Jeremy yells completely ignoring Elena's statement. "You're not gonna be an uncle!" "Then who's gonna teach the little guy how to ride a bike?" He asks devastated. You look at Elena with wide eyes. "Calm down, Y/n. You're not pregnant." She explains softly. "Then why am I so moody and nauseous? I think it's the morning sickness." "Y/n. You are gay..." Elena says looking you in the eye.
"You're right... I am gay." You sigh. "Yeah." Elena smiles at you. "Ooow." You wince hunching over slightly. "What?" Your girlfriend asks concerned. "I think it just kicked!" "You're not pregnant!"


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