Emily Prentiss/Lauren Reynolds

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plot: emily meets an old friend of laurens

!warning!: cursing, death mention,

3rd pov:
"Ah, we're barley two words in and you already look like you want me dead." You say with a sinister smile at the bareau agent. "You're getting all worked up over nothing, Y/n." Emily sighs setting her hands onto the table. "You've changed, babe." "And you're getting weak." Emily snarls at you.

The woman smiles as your face drops. "This isn't you, Lauren. The Lauren I know would never say that to me." "Maybe you don't really know me, doll." "Stop acting like a bitch!" You say loudly sitting up in your seat. Emily clenches her jaw as she stands up from her seat. "By the way. I go by Emily now." The ravenette says before walking out of the briefing room.


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