Caroline Forbes / Rebekah Mikaelson

656 9 2

plot: ex meets girlfriend

3rd pov:
"Hello, love." You look up to see Rebekah Mikaelson sitting in the booth across from you. "Babe, here's your drink." Caroline says sitting next to you, "Oh, who's this?" "Caroline, this is my ex Rebekah. Rebekah, this is my girlfriend Caroline." You say. Rebekah eyes the younger vampire for a moment before scoffing. "What?" You ask rolling your eyes. "She's just like me." "I am nothing like you." Caroline scoffs. "You dress like me. Walk, talk, and act like me, you just might be the next best thing but not quite me." Rebekah smirks before turning towards you, "You know what, babe, instead of downgrading you could have just called me." You saw Caroline scoff and roll her eyes, "Caroline." You warn. "Please stand up." Rebekah offers noticing your girlfriends change in posture. "Girls, stop." "Please stand up."


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