Claire Holt

662 18 1

plot: telling her your pregnant
3rd pov:
"Have you told Claire yet?" Ian asked. "No, I got out of my appointment and came straight here." You said. "What are you scared?" He harmlessly teased. "Yeah, I am acctualy." You say. Nikki suddenly puts a supporting hand on your shoulder, "Why are scared? You and Claire have been wanting to have a baby forever." She says supportivaly. "Yeah but, I over heard her on the phone with Daniel last week saying how maybe we weren't supposed to have kids." You say looking down. "Y/n, she probaly just said that out of anger, I don't think she really ment it. You just gotta tell her." Ian said and you nodded.


"You're home early." You comment as Claire gets into the bed. "Yeah, we got done on set earlier than expected." She says giving you a kiss on your cheek.

You watch as she turns on her phone. "Holy- that is a lot of notifications." She mutters, "15 missed calls from Paul." 'Damn you Ian and your loud mouth,' you think. "I'm pregnant." You blurt out. She suddenly drops her phone it landing next to her face as she turns over. "What?" "I'm pregnant." "No, no. I heard you. i just wanted to hear it again. This is amazing!" She cheers. "You're not mad?" "Of course I'm not mad, love." She says softly with a hand on your cheek.

She takes the blanket off of you lifting you shirt just over your stomach. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to speak to our child alone." "Are you serious." "Yes, now if you'll kindy tune out our conversation." She says all seriousness and you roll your eyes.


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