{⋅. Forty-Six .⋅}

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"Herobrine? You still there?"

"Ah, you're still here? Cowering under the void still I assume?"

"You're one to talk, I found your base above built limit."


There's silence for a while.

"So, you did it. You got them out, but you've only put a roadblock in my plans you know."

"What are you going to do?"

"As soon as I can get to you, I'm getting as many people in here. I'll embed myself into their code as well, just like I have into this server."

"Embedded yourself in the code?"

"The very code and flesh of this server. It gives me more manipulation over this world."

"Like bending the void?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm out."

"Then how am I talking to you? You are lying to me. You're still here and I'm going to find you."

"You can't find me I'm not there."

"I'm taking to you."

"Are you? Or are you talking to the server?"






George's eyes slowly opened to something swiping and hitting his face. He slowly sat up, and Cat scrambled off his chest, upset his new scratching post had become alive.

His back aches, it hurt like he went to the underworld and crawled back up again. Or maybe that was just because he was laying on the floor for so long.

The room he was in was dark, light filtering in only through curtains and his computer monitor.


George's eyes starts flying around the room, his bedroom before he lets out a loud whoop.

He goes to his screen, but all he sees is the Minecraft kicked screen before he scrambles up and quickly deletes ensnared off his computer.

He's free.


When Sapnaps wakes up, he's slumped over in his epic gaming chair. He knows he's out before he wakes up, there was a different atmosphere.

The first thing he does is pull up his sleeve, where his inventory bracelet was.

Words could not describe the joy that's sparked in his chest when he was met with an empty wrist.

He jumps out of his chair, completely ignoring his monitors and thousands of discord pings. Instead he scrambles to the window. Sapnap pushes it open and gasps at the fresh air.

He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He can see his neighbors taking their baby for a walk in a stroller. He can see the world that isn't consisted full of blocks.

He's free.


"He's been out for at least 3 and a half hours..."

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