Chapter 4: Resentment

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(Normal pov— Isle of Berk)


As dragons continued to attack Berk like a swarm of enraged hornets, the Hairy Hooligans were scrambling all over their village; like a chicken with its head cut off. Over the past five years, the dragon raids have become far more aggressive and the dragons were more organized and coordinated, resulting in Berk losing more food than ever before.

Whilst many of the villagers who couldn't fight were trying to put out the fires that were devouring their homes and property, the warriors were fighting tooth and nail to keep the dragons at bay as simply tore through the Hairy Hooligans like they were nothing. The casualties were mounting at an alarming rate and soon Berk would no longer have any warriors to fend the hordes of dragons taking their livestock, game, and kills they needed to prevent starvation.

Stoick the Vast, however, was in his own world of fury as he slaughtered every dragon who stood in his path. His crimson hair was matted with blood, grime, and filth, as did his sweaty skin. The Hooligan chieftain was angry, more than usual because he held great resentment for his coward of a son who left when he was soaring through the ranks of Dragon Training. With a primal roar, Stoick used his war hammer to break a Deadly Nadder's jaw with a single blow, causing blood and spittle to fly out of the dragon's mouth and crash down on the ground. Stoick loomed over the Nadder and proceeded to bash its head open, a torrent of blood and gore painted Stoick's face, but he could care less, he was a warrior, and slaying your enemies whether they're man or dragon was a right of passage.

A right of passage that Hiccup never gained.

Just thinking about his runaway son made Stoick's blood burn hot. He always knew Hiccup didn't take his position as heir to the throne of Berk seriously, and he knew that his... former son was no Viking, at least not a true Viking.

With his bloodline in peril, Stoick had no choice to welp future pups onto widows who were willing to give their chief more heirs. Naturally, his brother Spitelout or nephew Snotlout was entitled to the Hooligan throne, which is why Stoick took the time to tutor his stocky nephew in the ways of running the village as the last resort.

"Stoick! The dragons are trying to get into the barn!"

Releasing an enraged snarl, Stoick sprinted towards the barn that held several pens of sheep, yaks, pigs, goats, and chickens. If the dragons took away the livestock from the barn, then Berk and its inhabitants would most likely starve in the coming winter. Once reaching the barn, Stoick could see a Zippleback bashing its head through the roof of the barn and then proceeded to release gas through the opening it had created, the dragon's second head soon ignited the gas and a large explosion sent embers and debris flying everywhere. Stoick quickly raised his shield as a sharp piece of wood came towards his face, the hulking man could then see the Zippleback entering the barn and soon the livestock fled the barn in fear of the two-headed lizard. Dragons began swooping in and taking any of the livestock fleeing the barn, many of the Vikings tried stopping their reptilian foes from taking their livestock, but the dragons either wounded them severely or struck them down with fire or their other abilities.

Quickly grabbing a bola off the ground, Stoick whirled the projectile with ease and then hurled the bola at the wings of a Monstrous Nightmare who held a net full of sheep in its claws. Once the bola brought down the deadly dragon, Stoick charged with gritted teeth and quickly raised his shield once the Nightmare breathed fire in his direction. When the Nightmare ran out of fire, Stoick leaped into the air with an animalistic cry and brought his hammer down on the dragon's head, bashing the Nightmare's skull open and killing it. Stoick called out for several warriors to rally to his position and take the net of sheep away from the dragon's line of sight.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Stoick growled out to himself. "On to the next disaster," he then felt a searing pain shoot up his leg. "Argh!!" Falling to a single knee, Stoick ripped out a handful of Nadder spines, he looked in front of him to see several Nadders taking off with nets full of yaks and pigs, soon enough all the dragons withdrew from Berk with dozens of livestock in their talons.


Stoick roared out in outrage as he watched the dragons leave his home in shambles; fires consuming homes and property, dozens of the fallen warriors and inhabitants that would need to be sent to Valhalla properly, and their food stores were cut down to size until there were but a mere dozen of livestock left remaining. Thankfully the grain stores were untouched, but it would not be enough to feed all of Berk, and winter was knocking on their door. If Berk doesn't replenish the livestock and food they lost during this raid, then the Hairy Hooligans would starve throughout the winter.

Releasing his war hammer and shield, Stoick sighed heavily and ran a hand through his sweaty hair while also looking to the heavens, his heart was full resentment not just towards Hiccup for running away from his heritage and responsibilities, but Stoick believed all the suffering Berk had endured over the past five years was because the gods were punishing him. Either way, the village was in shambles and the people soon rallied to their chief for instructions.

"Everyone, I know these last five years have been hard, but we've endured through these hard times and continue to endure! We're Vikings, your courage in the face of danger shows how much you want to keep our home safe for this generation and the one to follow!" Stoick then looked to his people before nodding at them. "Now, there's much to be done before the snow comes and forces us to remain in our huts: homes and properties need to be attended to, more livestock must be purchased to provide us with what we need to live, and we have two members of the tribe who are suitable for marriage that must perform their duty to the tribe and ensure our clan lives on— my nephew Snotlout Jorgenson and Astrid Hofferson. They are to marry the heirs of the Raven Clan and Peace Makers, the chieftains of these tribes will be arriving at our shores in two days' time and introduce their heirs to both Snotlout and Astrid so that they may be acquainted with each other before they are to be married. Let's make our home presentable before our honored guests arrive." The villagers bowed their heads in understanding and soon got to work inn repairing the damage the dragons had inflicted on their home.

Stoick looked towards the horizon and formed his hands into fists while huffing out in anger towards the dragons and resentment towards Hiccup who fled like a coward instead of facing his trials and responsibilities like a man.

One way or another, Hiccup will be back on Berk and will take over as chief of Berk. Stoick would see to it personally.

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