Chapter 22: Taken

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A/N: Just a heads up, this chapter has a pretty kinky lemon scene. Hope you enjoy!

(Normal pov— Dragon Sanctuary)

It was early evening by the time the Haddock's returned home from Foreverwing Island, the time spent there had been most enjoyable and sweet. Both Hiccup and Valka awoke from their nap only to awake shrouded in the evening darkness, so they each took one of their baby girls and placed them in the slings around their torsos and packed up the supplies they brought with them, and after a quick chance to empty full bladders and wash their hands with a skin of alcohol. After that, they mounted their dragons and left Foreverwing Island feeling pleasantly warm, despite the night chill setting in.

Once they made it home safely, Hiccup and Valka bid their dragons a goodnight and watched as they went to sleep with the other dragons. Meanwhile, Hiccup began putting away the dirty dishes they had brought with them while Valka made sure to give both Kari and Ingrid one last feeding of breast milk before the babies went to bed. While washing the dishes in his hand, Hiccup couldn't help but smile at the sight of Valka tending to his sisters, it was so wholesome; the love of a mother and her children. Of course, what they shared was so much more than the average relationship between a mother and her son, but if Hiccup was given an opportunity by the gods to change his past by having Valka stay with him and actually mother him, he would refuse such an offer.

They were fated to be more than mother and son, and Hiccup wouldn't have it any other way.

Valka smiled when Kari and Ingrid soon slept against her breasts, apparently having their fill of breast milk, the two girls were out cold.

"I'm going to get these two to their crib, I'll be back shortly."

"Alright Mom, I'll be here."

Once Valka was out of sight, Hiccup finished cleaning the dishes and set them away where they had kept them. He then got to work on making herbal tea for himself and the woman he loved, it was one of Valka's favorites, and what better way to conclude their day by providing her with a warm beverage. As the tea was brewing, Hiccup couldn't help but wonder what exactly was causing the dragon raids, there was something in the fog of Helheim's Gate and it's responsible for three centuries of death and destruction.

"It has to be a queen," Hiccup murmured to himself, "every nest has a queen." What species of dragon ruled over the swarm of dragons at Helheim's Gate needed to be dealt with, hopefully not killed. Hopefully, when the sun would rise the next day, Hiccup could learn what has been plaguing Norway with death, famine, and destruction.

Footsteps could be heard approaching Hiccup from behind, he turned to see Valka in a maroon-colored tunic and brown trousers that hugged her lower body very well. Hiccup extended his arms and Valka happily placed herself in his arms, and for a moment the two dragonn riders held each other with warm smiles on their faces.

"Today has been so wonderful," Valka sighed happily against his neck, "thank you for treating me and the girls out for such a lovely day."

"Get used to it, there will be many more days like this in the future," he promised her while pressing a kiss against her hairline, "oh, I have herbal tea that should be finished right now, would you care to share a cup with me?"


Pouring himself and his mother a cup of tea, they made their way inside their bed chambers and started a fire in their chambers to keep the evening chill out, they then settled down while enjoying their warm beverage.

"Y'know, ever since we saw that Foreverwing, I've been feeling... pleasantly warm. How about you?"

"I have as well," Valka said after taking a sip of her tea, "I am not certain what it means, but legends say that whoever comes into contact with a Foreverwing will be touched by eternal life."

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