Chapter 19: Daughters

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A/N: Here we go! Valka is going to give birth to twin daughters!

(Normal pov)

Time went by in the blink of an eye for Hiccup as he witnessed Valka's pregnancy increase with each month; he always looked after her whenever she felt too sick to even stand, oblige her unusual cravings of food, and just bring by her side. They tried avoiding sex for the time being so that it wouldn't cause Valka any unwanted pain, though they did indulge in giving each other oral pleasure to quench the thirst of passion and desire they held for each other. But as Valka's belly grew larger, both dragon riders came to realize that twins were dwelling within her belly, due to the numerous amounts of kicks Valka received. Seeing Hiccup's handsome face light up like the stars made Valka swell with happiness, she knew he was going to be an amazing father.

Currently, the two Haddock dragon riders were in their bed, Valka grabbing at his hair as he worked at her with his mouth. Hiccup began to zigzag his tongue over Valka's sopping folds and up to her clit, then back down, greatly enjoying the taste of her arousal. He trailed heavy, open-mouthed kisses over her before dipping his tongue between her folds and inside her, nose rubbing against her clit. Valka moaned loudly, all but riding Hiccup's talented tongue as she held on harder to his hair.

Hiccup happily worked Valka to orgasm with his mouth. She shuddered with it, moaning out her pleasure and Hiccup's name as she finally reached blissful climax. The young man made sure to lap up all her juices before climbing back up her, hoping Valka wouldn't mind kissing her with her own arousal on her lips. She didn't. She lifted her head, kissed him first, hands caressing his back.

When they pulled away to breathe, Hiccup rolled off of a lax and satisfied Valka, laying on his side. They were both gasping for breath. Valka's cheeks were beautifully flushed. There was something about the way she looked post-orgasm that made her even more beautiful in Hiccup's eyes. Maybe it was her beaming smile. They were silent, just looking at each other, Valka idly playing with Hiccup's hair.

After some time, Hiccup leaned down and began nuzzling Valka's massive belly that held their two children, he murmured sentimental words while placing kisses along the plane of skin, causing Valka to gasp and coo at the pleasant sensations flowing through her veins. Seeing her boy being so tactile made Valka smile and she ran her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp while he continued to express his tactile affection.

"I cannot wait for you to enter this world little ones," Hiccup cooed against Valka's swollen belly, "to be raised by your loving mother and brother who will protect you with their lives if need be." Looking into her eyes, Hiccup saw tears forming in Valka's eyes, but the beaming smile on her face told Hiccup that her tears were happy ones. Placing on later kiss on her belly, Hiccup rose to his feet and took Valka's hands in her own. "I cannot wait to start our new family together," he then sighed happily and nodded, "we're having a family together."

"Mmmm, I cannot wait to begin this new chapter of our lives, my darling," Valka said as she lifted one of their joined hands and kissed his knuckles before releasing his hands and making her way towards Cloudjumper and Toothless, who had just finished making their rounds throughout the Sanctuary with some of the newcomers. "My my, you both look famished, shall I get you something to eat?" Both the Stormcutter's and Night Fury's bellies rumbled in hunger, causing both Valka and Hiccup to let out laughs at that simple answer.

"There's your answer."

"Indeed, I'll prepare their favorite fish."

Whilst Valka approached the baskets of fish that both Cloudjumper and Toothless loved, the feral dragon rider let out a surprised gasp when she felt a gush of liquid streaming down her thighs and pooling at her feet.

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