Chapter 24: Seeking aid

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(Valka's pov)

Kari and Ingrid's cries filled my ears as Wingmaiden Island finally came into view, the journey here had been long and tiring. Despite trying to comfort my daughter's cries, they would not remain silent and I could feel tears of frustration swell in my eyes. Cloudjumper turned his head and let out a worried warble, I released a shaky breath and shook my head slowly. Ever since Hiccup was taken from me, I felt as though my whole world was threatening to collapse in on itself; Kari and Ingrid could cry constantly as they sought their older brother's affection and love, I had quite a difficult time formulating a plan to rescue my love from Stoick's grasp, and... I just felt so hopeless.

But I refuse to stand idle and do nothing while Stoick and the animals he commands tears into Hiccup until all that remains of the young man I love is bits and pieces. I needed to rescue him and see him returned to my arms and the arms of Kari and Ingrid.

Toothless was accompanying us as well, and although he couldn't fly without Hiccup's assistance due to him being shot down and losing one of his tail fins, my son had invented a prosthetic tailfin that Toothless could control on his own and fly as though he had never lost his tail fin, to begin with.

When Hiccup was taken from us, Toothless took it the hardest, he had spent hours roaring in outrage that he had allowed Stoick and Raven to take Hiccup without a fight, I assured the Night Fury that if he had tried to take Hiccup back through aggressive means, Stoick would've killed Hiccup without pity or mercy.


As the Night Fury looked into my eyes, I could see they were filled with anxiety and worry for Hiccup, and I have no doubt in my mind that he could see similar worries in my own eyes.

"I promise you, we will see Hiccup returned to us."

Letting out a hopeful warble, Toothless nodded at me.

With a sigh, I then returned my attention to Kari and Ingrid, who thankfully managed to succumb to slumber within the slings around my torso. As we drew closer to our destination, Cloudjumper let out a loud roar, as a means of informing the Wingmaidens of our presence. In truth, it has been some time since I have seen Atali and her people, only because I was preoccupied with other matters; destroying the last of the Dragon Hunter and Trapper regimes throughout Scandinavia, ensuring that the various dragon nests and species weren't in danger either from greedy humans or ecological hazards, and... falling in love the man of dreams, who also happened to be my son.

Finally setting down, Wingmaidens approached us and murmured amongst themselves as they laid eyes on me and the two bundles of life strapped to around my torso. As I slid off of Cloudjumper, I laid eyes on Atali who was just now approaching, a warm smile graced her face as she approached with extended arms.

"Valka. Welcome back."


We grasped each other's arms and pressed our foreheads against each other's, she then laid eyes on Kari and Ingrid with surprise and fascination. As we released from each other's hold, she gave me a questioning look.

"May I inquire as to where did these children come from?"

"That is... something I would rather not disclose in front of your Wingmaidens."

"Very well. Come, let us retire to my chambers. We can talk there."

Turning to Cloudjumper and Toothless, I nodded at them and they stayed where they were for the time being. I then followed Atali to her chambers, once there, she closed the door behind us and watched as I pressed gentle kisses on the back of my daughter's heads and murmured gentle words as they began to whimper in their sleep.

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