Chapter 7: Nesting grounds

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(Normal pov)

"Goodbye Hiccup Haddock! I truly hope we see each other again."

"Yes, you are fantastic company and truly an amazing person."

"The next time you visit, I hope you can take me on a ride with Toothless."

Hiccup smiled and exchanged similar sentiments of farewell to the Defenders his age as he and Valka were taking their leave of Caldera Cay. The morning had been very eventful and exciting for Hiccup; meeting dragon sympathizers besides himself and Valka, making his first real human friends, and mingling with the Defenders culture.

Needless to say, Hiccup was very happy with how the day was going so far.

Queen Mala assured Hiccup that she'd introduce him to the Great Protector the next time they'd visit, which was completely fine with the young dragon rider, he was a patient man, and he needed to show Mala and her people that he could be trusted and that he wouldn't abuse their trust.

Valka and Mala parted ways by sharing a warm embrace and pressing their foreheads together before exchanging farewell, for now, the feral dragon woman made her way to Cloudjumper who watched in amusement as Toothless tried sizing him up by standing on his hind legs. Hiccup chuckled at the sight as he approached the Night Fury and began scratching his chin, causing Toothless to make a blissful face and purr in contentment at his rider's affections.

"Ah, I can't wait to come back here," Hiccup said out loud before turning to Valka who was fixing on a piece of her riding armor, "so, where to next?"

"There's an old nesting ground not far from here that I'd like to check up on," Valka said, "it's unfortunately been a hot spot for Cavern Crashers to prey upon newborn dragon hatchlings and eggs."

"I'm sorry, a... Cavern Crasher? I'm not familiar with that species of dragon." Hiccup said.

"Ah, forgive me. The Cavern Crasher flings flammable mucus and scurries across underground catacombs in search of its favorite food: Firecomb! Single-minded and voracious, the Cavern Crasher may lack wings, but its body has adapted to survive beneath the earth. With its reinforced beak and claws, this dragon climbs rock walls and hangs upside-down from stalactites. But the Cavern Crasher's most dangerous feature, by far, is its ability to excrete and eject slick mucus from the bulbous ducts on its back and then set it ablaze!"

"Wow," Hiccup said, "sounds like a pretty nasty dragon."

"Unfortunately, yes," Valka said in agreement, "Cloudjumper and I have had to assist in protecting the newborn hatchlings at this nesting ground because there have been several Cavern Crashers who have worked as a pack to divide and conquer." Once on top of Cloudjumper's back, Valka looked at Hiccup and smiled at him. "And luckily Cloudjumper and I have backup this time," she then added with an adventurous grin, "hope you're ready for a thrill because the Cavern Crashers sure do put up a fight to get what they want."

Hearing his mother's playful tone, Hiccup returned her grin and climbed on top of Toothless. "It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a challenge," he then added, "I'm ready when you are."

"Excellent. Let's go."

(Northern Market)

Elsewhere in Scandinavia, the Northern Market was active as a beehive; Vikings, foreign traders, merchants, and even Dragon Hunters and Trappers were all over the place broaching in business, purchasing new equipment and weaponry before winter and all its fury struck.

Within a local tavern, the sounds of music, laughter, and chatter filled the air as patrons entered the establishment to quench their thirst, silence their hunger, or indulge in carnal needs. Several Dragon Hunters entered the establishment and eyed the many different people within the building who were all over the place. One of these Dragon Hunters laid eyes on a woman in a dark corner while whirling a knife in her hand with ease.

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