Chapter 23: The return

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A/N: Hiccup's worst nightmare is now made into reality— he's back on Berk and is about to suffer greatly; be prepared for some dark scenes.

(Hiccup's pov)


That was all I felt as I slowly regained consciousness, my foggy vision regained some form of clarity after blinking my eyes several times. I hiss in pain as I slowly touch the back of my head and feel a welt that feels like it's on fire. As I take in my surroundings, I noted that I was chained and that I was laying on a cold, hard surface. Groaning, I pinch the bridge of my nose and slowly lift myself up, and realized I was in a dungeon.

Oh, gods!

Stoick and Raven, they took me from the Dragon Sanctuary!

Quickly rising to my feet, I made my way to the barred window and my blood freezes in my veins when I realize where I am.

I'm back on Berk.


Looking down at my chained feet, I try prying the shackles off, but to no avail. Panic and fear swell within my heart and it's a feeling I was already intimate with, but now I had so much to lose now— my freedom, Toothless, Valka, and my daughters as well as little sisters.

I am not going to die here!

The sound of footsteps fills my ears and draws closer until two of my father's bodyguards are outside my cell, as well as Spitelout Jorgenson, my uncle. The man gives me a murderous glare and orders the guards to open my cell door and unchain me. As soon as the door opens, the guards begin removing the shackles off my feet, while I look into Spitelout's hateful eyes.

"Hello, Uncle," I spat out, "I had hoped I'd never see your ugly face again."

"Mind your tongue traitor," he spat back, "I would like nothing more than to run you through with my sword, here and now, but your father has a better suggestion."

Once the shackles were off my ankles, the guards took hold of me and we soon made our way out of the dungeon and towards the Great Hall. As the dreadful walk began, I could see that Berk was the same dung heap that it was ever since I left; many of the huts and establishments are in shambles and a complete wreck. I notice the absence of certain livestock that roam throughout the village or remain within a certain Hooligan's property. And I also feel the despair and dread in the air, it's already weighing me down like an unbearable yoke on my shoulders.

As we ascend the steps leading to the Great Hall, I can feel my heart beating faster, my mind drowning in anxiousness, and sweat begins to form on my brow.

"Prepared to meet the wrath of the Hairy Hooligans boy," Spitelout cruelly smirked at me and added. "They're about to make your life miserable, well, more than you remembered anyway."

Once the doors opened, everybody in the Great Hall turned their heads and once the occupants in the large room laid their eyes on me, they were silent. As my father's guards dragged me to where Stoick himself was seated on his throne, I was greeted by being spat on my face by a man who rose from his seat to give me a... "proper" welcome back to Berk. Groaning in disgust as the man's saliva seeped down my face, I was then greeted by curses, grotesque names, and mockery that I dare not think about. The scorn I was greeted with cut deeper than any blade, but I refused to let their words and their actions tear me down.

I'm no longer Hiccup the Useless.

The guards dragging me soon forced me on my knees until I was at the feet of my father's throne, I looked into his eyes and my jaw clenched tightly as I noted the murderous gaze in his eyes, but I would not be intimidated by him, or anyone else here. By Stoick's side was the Hooligan council and law keepers, those who can quite possibly make my life here all the more miserable.

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