Chapter 25: The gamble

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A/N: I feel like it's been forever since I updated this story, but we're back! Don't worry, Stoick is going to die and he's going to suffer a very grisly fate, just not the way you think. We're getting close to a very pivotal moment in this story and I hope you guys are ready.

(Hiccup's pov)

I know for a fact that I'm dreaming because I'm back in Dragon Sanctuary and surrounded by those that I loveValka, Kari, Ingrid, Toothless, and Cloudjumper. We're all together in the dining chambers, eating together as a family, and seeing this vivid image in my mind's eyes makes me miss them all the more.

Valka looks to me, her eyes full of love and satisfaction as she lowers her spoon and sets it in the bowl of elk stew we're having. "You certainly know how to satisfy a woman's appetite my dear, and not just in bed," she teased with a warm smile. "This stew is divine."

"I aim to please," I say, even though I don't say that to her. "Your wellbeing is something I cherish, along with the little ones." As I look to Kari and Ingrid, their eating sloppily, handmade bibs are snugged around their necks and catch any food that's either began spat out or leaked out of the corners of their mouths. Valka smiles at our girls and makes sure to wipe their mouths of spittle and food, once they're not looking messy, she leans back and turns to me with a smile and reaching for my hand, I take it without a second thought and squeeze her hand lightly.

"I love you Hiccup," she sighs happily. "You, our girls, our dragons, and the life the gods have given us together."

"I love you too," I say. "With all my heart—"

My pleasant dream was rudely interrupted by having a bucket of yak entrails dumped over my head, causing me to cry out in utter disgust and gag violently as some pieces of the animal insides made it into my mouth. As I was being unchained by the totem, I was then being dragged to the Great Hall, I tried ripping my arms free from my father's bodyguards, but their hold was too strong for me, especially in my weakened state. Despite being back on Berk for only a week, the Hairy Hooligans released all of their pain, misery, sorrow, and hatred out onto me until it felt like I would shatter from just a mere touch. They had subjected me to unfathomable labor, whipping me to where no flesh remained on my back and all you could see was muscle and bone, I was tied to the totem and helpless to defend myself as the Hooligans each took turns cutting me.

You would think that all of that torture would kill me, and I thought the same thing as well. That is until, during my slumber, a warm and pleasant sensation washed over me and when I awoke the following day, it looked as if I hadn't been touched; the ghastly wounds I had received were either gone completely or faded into light scars. I was both awestruck and confused about how this came to be, but then I remembered Valka telling me that whoever comes in contact with a Foreverwing will be blessed with eternal life as well as being stricken of all life-threatening diseases, wounds, or injuries.

Once making it inside the Great Hall, I was greeted by jeers, insults, and mockery as I was being dragged to a large table and then being placed on the table while having my limbs shackled and then having chains attached to the shackles while four large Hooligans took hold of each chain and then looked to Stoick, who was seated on his throne. Looking to the man I called father, he narrowed his eyes at me while I merely threw him a murderous glare.

"It is clear that no matter how much pain we apply on this traitor, his wounds are either completely healed or gone. This tells me two things: either there is somebody among us who shows sympathy for this traitor and is using unnatural healing methods to heal him or he has been blessed by the gods."

The Hairy Hooligans roared out in outrage at the very idea that I was being blessed by the gods, but I already have been blessed by them. By running into Valka and Cloudjumper years ago, my life has been so good, and I intend to continue to return to the woman I love and continue to stand by her side, in this life or the next.

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