Chapter 16: Closure

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(Normal pov— One week later)

The early morning air was freezing, as was the temperature overall. Winter and all of its frozen cruelty had finally arrived and bombarded Scandinavia.

For Hiccup, he had never favored the cold even though he had learned to bear with it throughout his life, just as he was bearing with it now as he, Toothless, Valka, Cloudjumper, and all the dragons that were capable of fighting from the Sanctuary were on the move and making their way towards the Dragonroot Company fortress. Prior to this invasion, both Hiccup and Valka had learned of their enemy's fortress location thanks to drunken Dragon Hunters in taverns and brothels. Now they were going to attack them before they could begin their siege at Freyja's Bosom.

"Shouldn't be long now," Valka had Cloudjumper fly closer to both Hiccup and Toothless, causing the duo to look towards the more experienced duo, "when this attack begins, our foes are going to do everything in their power to drive us back or even kill us."

"I wouldn't be fun if it weren't a challenge!" Was Hiccup's sarcastic response.

"I speak in all seriousness my love, please be careful," Valka pleaded, "the thought of losing you makes me sick to my stomach."

"Hey, you won't lose me," he said reassuringly, "I'll be careful, Toothless will see to that. Won't you bud?" The Night Fury barked in confirmation, while also flashing the young man a gummy smile, causing Hiccup to chuckle and pet the dragon's scaly head.

Valka's heart swelled with love as she watched Hiccup and Toothless interact with each other, it was a reminder of how lucky she was to have her son with her and that he knew, he completely understood just how incredible dragons were and chose to stay with her and live their feral, isolated life. And still, they had love and companionship in each other, surprisingly well matched as a couple.

More so than she was paired with Stoick.

Shaking her head, Valka removed any and all thoughts of that... brute she was forced to marry a lifetime ago. She now had Hiccup, and she was in love with him.

Cloudjumper let out a bark, causing Valka to look ahead and lay eyes on the Dragonroot Company fortress. It was massive, the occupants within the watchtowers were already sounding their horns; alerting their Dragon Hunter and Trapper companions that they are under attack and that they must take up arms and push back this swarm of dragons led by the Bewilderbeast who moved like a serpent, despite its colossal size through the icy waters below, as well as two experienced dragon riders with very rare, yet deadly dragons.

A barrage of ballista, flaming catapults, and arrow fire approached the two dragon riders, causing the both of them to take evasive action; barrel roll, diving down or ascending to avoid a grisly death. Hiccup looked to Valka and watched as she merely walked along Cloudjumper's back while he barrel-rolled away from an incoming catapult. She then raised her shield to stop incoming arrows from striking her, turning around to the swarms of dragons accompanying them, Valka whirled her staff above her head and pointed down at the enemy ships. Handfuls of dragons began to destroy the enemy catapults and ballista launchers, even forcing many of the archers of the deck of their ships and freeze to death in icy waters.

The Bewilderbeast smashed through the ships like they were nothing and emerged out of the water in a thunderous entrance while unleashing a roar that threatened to shake the heavens. As the King of Dragons looked down at the Hunters and Trappers below him, he began unleashing torrents of ice from his maw.

Whilst the alpha was killing everything in his path, Valka summoned a handful of Catastrophic Quaken's to destroy the dragon-proof fortress. As soon as the large Boulder Class dragons collided with the fortress, it created an opening for both Hiccup and Valka to enter as they had Toothless and Cloudjumper take them down within their enemy's lair. Once inside, the two dragon riders were greeted by the sight of mayhem; the enemy oppressors and poachers were scattering like cockroaches, formerly enslaved dragons breaking free from their cages and flying to freedom, as well as fire consuming the inside of the fortress.

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