Chapter 12: Feelings confessed

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A/N: I'd like to thank you guys for the support, I know this ship isn't popular, but I'm an author who wants to push beyond people's comfort zones; writing Hiccstrid over and over again can get old pretty fast, not that I dislike the two of them together, don't get me wrong, but I'm an author who spices things up. Anyway, Hiccup and Valka, at last, confess their feelings to each other. Onwards!

(Valka's pov)

After what felt like a lifetime, we finally made it back to the Dragon Sanctuary, and upon entering the inner sanctum of the nest, the dragons seemed to sense the dire situation at hand once we touched down on the solid ground.

Quickly sliding off of Cloudjumper, I rushed to Hiccup was unconscious and burning up with a high fever, which made my anxiety levels rise. Carrying him bridal style, I made my way to my bed chambers and set Hiccup down on the bed, ripping off his winter coat and tunic, while being careful not to dislodge the knife still embedded in his belly. Hearing my son moan in agony brought tears to my eyes, but now was not the time for tears, I needed to be strong for my son.

"I need to pull this knife out Hiccup, do you hear?" Gently wrapping my hand around the knife handle, I take a deep breath and pulled it out, Hiccup cried out in agony, his cries caused Toothless to come to his side and warble in sympathy, he even licked his cheek in an effort to comfort him. I quickly grabbed bandages on my nightstand and wrapped them around Hiccup's bleeding belly, thank the gods he wasn't going to bleed to death.

But whatever was on that knife might kill him.


I quickly fix up a bowl of medicine that can help rid the body of poison, something I learned from Mala and the Defenders, thank the gods for them. Once I finished, I raced back to Hiccup's side and gently cupped the back of his head. "Hiccup, I need you to drink this for me, alright? It'll rid the poison in your body," releasing a shaky breath, I brought the bowl to Hiccup's lips and he groaned in disgust once the aroma of the medicine filled his nose, "I do apologize for the smell, it may smell like yak piss, but I assure you it will make you feel better." I then helped him drink, he began gagging slightly and once he drank the whole bowl and swallowed, he quickly turned to the side of my bed and hurled violently on the ground.

The sight was most unpleasant, but the medicine was doing its job; ridding the poison in Hiccup's body.

Once he was down, Hiccup fell back against my bed and was panting heavily, he was sleeked in sweat, and his blanched face was returning to its normal color, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Remind me... never to get hit by Raven's poisoned knives ever again!"

Hiccup's exhausted, yet firm words made me laugh lightly, for a moment I feared that I'd lose him, and that was a horrific prospect

"I will," I promised him, referring to his statement, "now then, why don't you get some rest. When you're up for it, you can bathe." His warm smile made butterflies swarm in my belly, I returned his smile wholeheartedly and kissed his forehead, causing him to close his eyes and sigh in contentment.

Toothless too offered Hiccup affection by nuzzling into his side and licking his cheek, causing Hiccup to chuckle lightly and caress the Night Fury's head. My son soon drifted off to sleep, Toothless curled up by side on the ground, those two were as close as brothers, and it made my heart beat just a little faster at the wholesome scene. I then left the two alone for the moment and made my way out of my bed chambers, Cloudjumper was waiting for me and he gave a questioning warble.

"Hiccup is fine and well, my old friend," I cooed while caressing Cloudjumper's chin, causing the Stormcutter to lean into my touch, "come, let's give those two time to rest." I decided to check up on some of the wounded dragons here and tend to them as well before taking a bath in the hot springs.

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