Chapter 28: Home

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A/N: I wanted to make this story a little bit longer, but I've decided to end this story with thirty chapters instead, simply because I have other stories I want to focus on. With that being said, onwards to the next chapter!

(Normal pov— Dragon Sanctuary)

Hiccup emerged from the hot springs he tended to bathe in, he had already scrubbed off the grime and blood that clung to his skin, not to mention the stench of death and smoke. It felt like a lifetime since he bathed, the Hairy Hooligans weren't exactly concerned with his well-being during his time as their prisoner not long ago. The battle that had occurred at Helheim's Gate was still fresh on his mind, he and Toothless killed its queen and put an end to a three-century-old war in the act; saving countless dragons from being slaughtered on mass by the Vikings of Scandinavia.

Running a hand through his soaked hair, Hiccup treaded to the edge of the spring and saw Valka entering with thick, long towels that were folded in her hands. The woman set them down where they usually kept them for when they needed to bathe. She took one of the towels and held it open for Hiccup as he got out of the spring. Allowing Valka to dry him off, Hiccup closed his eyes when his lover not only helped him dry off but planted sweet kisses along his neck and jawline while doing so.

"Mmm, welcome home my love."

Hiccup closed his eyes and smiled at Valka's words, he then leaned back against his mother as she wrapped her arms around his torso and nuzzled her face against the side of his while purring happily.

"Good to be home," Hiccup said while smiling. "I thought that I wouldn't see you, Toothless, Cloudjumper, or our daughters again."

"We're here," Valka reassured while holding him tighter. "We're all here, reunited once again."

Hiccup turned to face his mother and placed his forehead against hers, causing both of them to close their eyes and savor the moment of them being reunited after what felt like a lifetime. Then shared a sweet, tender kiss before making their way to their bed chambers. Hiccup set the towel he was wrapped up in on the bed as he approached a chest at the end of their bed and retrieved a pair of clean clothes, once he was comfortable in fresh clothes, he turned to Valka and inquired. "Where are the girls?" Smiling at him, she took his hand and led him to their chambers and found them both sleeping soundly in their crib. Smiling down upon his two sleeping daughters, as well as sisters, Hiccup released Valka's hand and made his way to his girl's crib and murmured gently to the sleeping girls. "Sleep soundly you two, and know that you are loved," he leaned down to kiss their foreheads and caress their cheeks. Leaving his sisters to sleep, Hiccup made his way back to Valka and found her smiling warmly at him.

"You're loved too, Hiccup," she wrapped her arms around him and murmured against his ear. "I love you so much." He returned her embrace and silently thanked her for her sentiments. The two of them then made their way out of the girl's crib and made their way to the dining chambers where a chicken pot pie was being baked. The divine aroma of good food being prepared made Hiccup's stomach growl loudly, causing him to flush and Valka to giggle. She then kissed his cheek and smiled teasingly at him. "Come, love, let's get you some proper food."

"Sounds good to me."

Waiting only five more minutes, the pie was fully baked, and Valka waited for it to cool off to the perfect temperature and then brought the pie to their table. Along with the pie, Valka had made honey-glazed almonds, apple slices that were sprinkled in cinnamon, and freshly brewed ale awaited as well. Once everything was set before him, Hiccup shook his head lightly with a smile on his face while looking at Valka who was cutting a slice of pie. "Wow Mom, all of this looks... amazing," he then continued, "you didn't have to do all of this—"

"Hush now," she said gently, yet firmly. "I love you Hiccup, and I will treat you whenever I can. Besides, you haven't eaten a proper meal during your captivity. So I urge you to sit there and savor a meal in your belly."

"You're so good to me," his words full of love and gratitude, "thank you, Mom."

"Of course," she said while taking his hand in her own and squeezing it gently, "now then, let's eat."

Every bite of food made Hiccup thank the gods that this woman before him rescued him, he knew it would only be a matter of time before she came to his rescue, but he thanked the gods that she arrived when she did. If she hadn't, he would likely be among the thousands of dead Hairy Hooligans at Helheim's Gate. Hiccup took a drink of warm ale and hummed as the beverage filled his insides with a pleasant warmth that spread to his head from his toes, he had been subjected to blistering cold while chained to that totem back on Berk, he was fortunate that he didn't suffer severe hypothermia or worse.

When Hiccup had his fill of food, he got up and helped put away what was leftover and cleaned his dishes. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Hiccup turned to see Valka giving Toothless and Cloudjumper their portion of fish, he then made his way to her and when she turned to face him, she could see... uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hiccup? What's wrong?"

Looking at his mother's gorgeous eyes, Hiccup smiled slightly and cocked his head in question. "Do... Do you still want to marry me? I know it felt like a lifetime ago since I proposed to you, but after what happened—"

Grabbing the front of his tunic, Valka hauled Hiccup over and kissed him to silence his insecurities and doubts. After pulling away from his lips, she then pinched his chin and tilted it up so that he was looking into her eyes, her very soul. "Hiccup, marrying you is what I crave more than anything; you and I were fated to be together forever, nothing can or will change that fact," she then gave him a beaming smile and pressed her forehead against his own. "I want to be your wife and spend the rest of my days with you. Of course, I still want to marry you, you daft boy."

"Glad to hear it."

The two then embraced each other and savored the intimate closeness before making their way to their bed chambers to get some much-needed rest after the events of the day that transpired. Hiccup and Valka both stripped down until they were naked and climbed into bed together, the two of them laid together in ways no son and mother ever should, yet they couldn't care less as their bare skin pressed together. Draping the long, thick fur blanket over their bodies, Hiccup pulled Valka in his arms and both of them sighed happily as they were surrounded by warmth.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too Hiccup," she pressed a kiss to his cheek and murmured out. "Sleep now, and dream of our future and the adventures our family will embark on in the very near future." Nodding at her words, Hiccup closed his eyes and smiled to himself as Valka nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck and placed a hand on his chest while gently tracing rune shapes on his skin.

As sleep soon enveloped them both, Hiccup knew that his real home was with Valka, Toothless, Cloudjumper, and his girls. Where he'd go, they'd follow him to the ends of Midgard. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

He was home.

A/N: Short, I know. But I gotta work on the next chapter of Night Fury too, I just wanted to put in a fluffy little chapter here and prepare for the final two chapters of this story before moving on to the next one.

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