Chapter 17: Setback

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(Normal pov— Dragonroot Company fortress)

Matron Maeve was no stranger to chaos and danger, she had expected to encounter the dragon riders once they had begun their attack at Freyja's Bosom, not prior to their siege. All around her, men and women who wished to rid the world of dragons had fallen or succumbed to grisly deaths, the promise of rebuilding themselves after being driven to point of extinction was now shattered, and her plans to see her regime rise were now setback.

All because of those two dragon riders.

Speaking of, they had fled the now crumbling fortress just as it came crashing down. Behind them were several Catastrophic Quakens, as well as the dragons the Dragonroot company had enslaved to auction to the highest bidder, kill them and use their scales to create fireproof gear, as well as use them for training so that those who joined the Dragonroot Company ranks would know how to deal with each dragon species attacks and fire.

Maeve emerged from tons of debris that threatened to become her tomb, she miraculously was able to avoid the massive Bewilderbeast that killed everything in its path. That alpha and its subjects continued to destroy everything until all that was left were the sounds of freed dragons roaring out in relief at being liberated from bondage, the raging fires that burned throughout the fortress, and the Bewilderbeast who let out a thunderous roar before retreating back into the icy waters. Watching her enemies flee her once-mighty fortress, Maeve let out a disbelieving breath at just how fast these dragon riders and the dragons that accompanied them decimated her fortress and her regime. Looking around her, Maeve could see handfuls of men and women emerging from debris or from their hiding places, all of them were bloodied and shaken, and although she had some allies yet of this world, it was nowhere near enough.

"M-Matron Maeve!"

Turning to her right-hand man, Fuld the Fiend, the feeble man bowed his head and then stammered out pathetically. "W-What are we to do now? Our base of operations, our fleet, poachers, and huntsmen of the highest order are decimated—"

"I am well aware of our predicament, you pathetic fool!" Maeve snarled out, causing the man to let out a whimper and curl back in fear. A huff of frustration fled Maeve's mouth as she ran a hand through her auburn hair. Finally regaining her calm composure, she turned to Fuld and narrowed her eyes at the man. "Did my special asset and her dragon survive the attack?"

"N-No, unfortunately, she was crushed to death by debris," Fuld rubbed his hairless head and then inquired carefully. "I say again, what are we to do now?" It was a good question, especially now that their dragon-riding enemies landed the crippling blow that ensured they would never get back up. But Maeve knew that although she had but a handful of men and women left at her disposal, they'd have to do for the time being.

"For the moment, search this place for any of our companions who may have survived the attack, and then we build a ship and leave this place behind."

Maeve supposed her command was a good start, but what else could she do? She couldn't afford to show weakness in front of her companions, she had to hold the illusion of control, for now anyway. Once more looking back to where her enemies and the dragons fled, she murmured under her breath.

"I will see to it those dragon riders pay for this offense."

(Isle of Berk)

Stoick was wrapped in a thick bear fur cloak and watched as his people concluded repairs to many of their homes, establishments, and storehouses after the dragon raids which were getting far more frequent and worse. Luckily, thanks to Snotlout and Astrid's marriage of the Raven Clan and Peace Maker heirs, they had offered Berk tribute in the form of enough food to survive this winter, as well as good fighting men and women to repel the dragons next raid. The chief of Berk had desires to sail and again try and attack Helhelim's Gate, but I've had begun forming on the sea; making sailing impossible.

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