Chapter 13: No turning back

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A/N: This chapter is gonna be a hot slice of lemon pie, those of you who don't want to read this are free to leave or wait for the next update. Regardless, Hiccup and Valka get freaky.

(Normal pov)

Kissing Hiccup was everything Valka imagined it would be.

It was soft and sweet and Hiccup tasted divine. Their lips danced together tenderly, there was nothing forceful about it, it just felt purely natural and heavenly.

After a few seconds, they quickly pulled back and stared at each other in shock. ''D-Did... Did that just happen?'' Hiccup asked, breathless.

''Y-Yes,'' she gasped out, "it certainly did."

Suddenly, they cupped each other's faces and went in for another kiss, this time more passionate than the last. Soon, Hiccup and Valka were both moaning with admiration and love, the feelings they harbored for each other were now exploding into a fireball of passion.

They pulled back once again to catch their breath, and before Hiccup could go in for another kiss, Valka placed a finger to his lips, causing Hiccup to give her a confused yet curious look.

"As much as I'd like to continue, I'm afraid the food I made for us will go cold if we don't eat," Hiccup'a stomach grumbled violently at the mention and smell of food, causing his cheeks to go red and Valka laughed hysterically, she then pecked his lips and took his hand, "come, let's go eat." The two soon made their way to the dining chambers, poured themselves a bowl of stew and sat beside each other, and savored their meal together.

Valka still couldn't believe this was actually happening, she had hoped, prayed that Hiccup desired her the way she did, but he told her that he loved her.


He turned to look her in the eyes, and Valka smiled at the handsome young man beside her, she then leaned in and kissed him before murmuring against his ear. "I too am in love with you," with a chuckle, she continued, "I am hopelessly and madly in love with you." She then pulled back to look him in the eyes once more, and he saw his eyes full of joy, serenity, and love.

He then cupped her face and pressed his forehead against her own, as he did earlier. "Hearing you say that? It means everything to me," he then sighed happily and nuzzled his nose against hers, "all I ever wanted was someone to love me for who I am, your words mean so much to me, more than you know."

"As do yours, my love," she cooed, "as do yours."

The two soon finished eating, they then cleaned up their bowls and spoons and made sure that their dragons too had their evening meal. Both Toothless and Cloudjumper expressed their gratitude by either pressing their heads into their rider's chest or with a lick across the cheek. It was the latter for Hiccup, and Valka laughed as her boy was being licked quite thoroughly by Toothless. Scolding the Night Fury that his saliva is hard to wash out, Hiccup flicked some of the saliva on his face between the Night Fury's eyes, causing Toothless to rub his face like a feline.

Hiccup then cleaned his face off until no dragon saliva was on his skin. After drying off, Hiccup turned around, only to gasp in surprise when Valka took hold of him by the front of his tunic and pressed her lips to his. The action had caught Hiccup off guard, but he soon returned Valka's kiss, causing the woman to sigh happily and wrap her arms around his neck while he placed his hands on her curvy hips. The intensity of their kiss left both Hiccup and Valka dizzy, causing them to break their kiss and press their foreheads against each other.

"I fear my legs will give out on me, that's how much of effect you have on me," she giggled, "perhaps we should take this to my bed chambers?" Her suggestion made Hiccup's blood burn hot with passion, not trusting his voice at the moment, he merely nodded and let Valka take his hand as she led him to her bed.

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