Chapter 46- The End

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Marinette rushed down the sidewalk, tears streaming down her face. What if he never woke up? It would be all her fault. She was to blame. She could've done something- anything to save the love of her life. But she couldn't. It was too late. Now Adrien could die, Chat Noir, her partner, could die, and she would be left all alone to fight Hawkmoth. Unless.. she could put an end to it now. Opening the palm of her hand, she viewed the miraculous she'd taken off Adrien's finger. She knew it was broken, nearly unusable, but still there had to be enough strength in her to combine them. With the two, powers of creation AND destruction, she could be unbeatable.

She heard footsteps behind her and already knew who they belonged to. "Alya-"

"Girl, what are you DOING?" She asked, eyeing Marinette with worry.

"You can't go off on your own like that!"

"Listen," Marinette paused, unsure of how to explain herself, "I have to do this. I can't let him get away with this."

"But-" Alya sighed, "At least recruit a few people to help... you know?" She smiled wearily and nudged her friend with her hand.

"No." Marinette stated with a severe tone. "I have to do it myself. This is my war with him now. It's personal. I can't put others in danger to try and beat someone that I've spent years trying and failing to destroy."

"But Marinette, you could get hurt!" Alya cried out, "Please don't do this-"

But Marinette was already walking away. "I have no choice. I'll die if I have to."

She heard Alya's worried voice behind her, following her, but she tuned out her best friend as respectfully as she could, continuing to walk and not looking back. Eventually, she saw the tower and got the best idea she could.

Rushing into the nearest alleyway, which was quite convenient- the girl took out the cat miraculous, and placed it on her finger. Tikki was already hiding in her purse, and when Plagg made his way out of the ring, injured, she knew that it was about to go down.

"What are you doing, Ladybug? I'm not healthy enough to help you fight-"

"Don't ask questions." Marinette said, determination in her eyes. "I know what I'm doing."

But did she? Deep down inside, Marinette knew it was almost too risky to even try and pull off. Both broken, one more than the other, how was she supposed to even suddenly know how to work them both at the same time? She should've at least asked Master Fu, but she didn't have time. Hawkmoth should still be transformed since the akuma had recently been cleansed.

"Transform me." She stated, undergoing the process quickly. When she was done, she immediately felt the negative effects of the choice. She stumbled forward, putting her hand on the nearest brick wall to keep herself from falling completely. The world spun around her like the world's worst Merry-go-round, and she already felt sick to her stomach. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Her uniform was a cross between her usual spotted unitard and a sleek black leather in a mix she never would have expected to work but somehow did- her eyes green and her hair tied up in a ponytail that kept it out of her face altogether.

"Tikki." She spoke, awaiting the response. There was none, and she hoped and prayed that both of the kwamis were okay right now.

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