Chapter 31- Is She Really Sorry?

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"Is she still at it?" Nino asked his girlfriend, who was up by the board, getting Marinette another plate of pizza.

Sighing, and shifting her weight to her left leg, Alya held up her phone stealthily and snapped a picture of the plate she was about to take back to her desk.

"Why are you taking pictures?" Nino pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, confused.

"So I can show Marinette later-when she's sane-exactly how much pizza she scoffed down."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she's going to deny how much pizza she actually ate!"


"Nino, stop asking me questions!" Alya threw up her hand and gripped the food, making her way back to her best friend's side, who was just about finished with her third plate of pizza.

The boy watched his two friends from afar, wondering if there was anything else he could do to help the situation. But, to them, he was oblivious to what was going on.

"Here's your pizza, Princess Mari-" Alya rolled her eyes and placed the plate down in front of Marinette before collapsing into her own seat. Slowly peeling at the toppings on her slice, the girl was suddenly able to hear what was going on behind her. Stuffing her mouth with pizza, Alya was determined to tune them out. But it was hard when they just kept gossiping.

"See that redhead?" A small voice asked, in which Brielle scoffed and replied haughtily,

"Yeah? What about her?"

"It's n-nothing! You're just so much prettier then her-" The same voice stated, giggling.

I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.

Alya turned around in her seat slightly, regarding that a crowd had formed around Brielle and the other two girls. The blonde one, named Samantha, seemed to be talking more then she had earlier, constantly shooting compliments at Brielle and sucking up to her. It was funny to witness, but Alya had to feel bad that she and Jasmine, were being used like that. It was like Chloe and Sabrina all over again.

Out of nowhere, she felt a familiar presence, a smell of potent cologne that filled her nose. Alya quickly stuffed a bite of pizza into her mouth to avoid choking on the overpowering door. Kim had found his way back to the girl's table, and took a seat next to Brielle, leaning in close to his friends around him.

"Is that Marinette sitting there?"

"Yeah, that's Marinette!" Rose cheerfully stated, with a smile.

"Does she usually eat so much?" Tami, a student, asked curiously.

The happy girl's face dropped and Alya could feel the conflict Rose was feeling.

The new girl, Brielle, laughed out loud. "I would never eat that much pizza in one sitting! So unhealthy!"

"How embarrassing..." Jasmine said under her breath, though loud enough for others to hear.

Some of the kids, who had slices in front of them, must have felt a tinge of guilt when they heard this. Instead of sticking up for Marinette, they went along with it.

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