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< April >
< Sunday >

{ Tatum }

I let out a quiet yawn and a stretch as the sun peered into the bedroom windows. My eyes slowly opened and I sat up, looking to my right and seeing my husband still asleep. I smiled then glanced to my left, looking out the large windows and seeing the ocean.

It's been three years since Ashton and I eloped and a little over two years since Krew and Avery were born. It's only been six months since we moved into this house-

Ashton had come home full of excitement the day he saw the listing about the house. We just had to have it. So we put the kids in the car and drove down here to Huntington Beach. The house was perfect. It even has a private beach in the back beyond the grass lawn. We were so grateful when we got it. So we made a few changes and got our little private beach set up and moved in. It's forty-five minutes from LA but Ashton doesn't seem to care about that. It's still drivable for the studio.

My gaze from outside broke as I felt Ashton shuffle then heard a small groan. I turned and watched as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slowly opened them,

"Good morning gorgeous" he smiled,

"Good morning handsome" I leaned down and pecked his lips before settling back down against his side with my head on his bare chest.

We laid there in silence, enjoying each other's presence.

That silence didn't last long because we soon heard little feet running down the hardwood covered hallway,

"Incoming" Ashton chucked under his breath and allowed me to move off of him and settle on my pillow.

Our bedroom door swung open and the two toddlers ran in, tossing up baby blankets and stuff animals on the bed before Ashton pulled their bodies up.

This is one of the reasons I love Sundays. We all stay home and chill. The kids come into our room early then we'll get up, eat breakfast and go play on the beach.

"Good morning my tiny humans" Ashton bear-hugged them, their little squeals filling the room,

"Hi Daddy" Avery giggled as Ashton let go of them and let them lay in the middle of us,

"Good morning" I grinned, kissing both my babies heads,

"Hi Mommy" Krew giggled and curled into my side. Krew is a mommy's boy as to where Avery is a daddy's girl- but both can switch at any time,

"You guys hungry? You want breakfast?" Ashton chimed,

"Cake cakes!" Krew jumped up with a big smile,

"Yes!" Avery followed,

"I guess we're having pancakes for breakfast" I chuckled as Ashton climbed out of bed and pulled on a shirt. I got out of bed and pulled on Ashton's hoodie over my tank top. I picked Avery up and grabbed her blanket and stuffed dog as Ashton did the same with Krew.

We dropped both kids on the couch, turning on their show for them before going into the kitchen. Ashton immediately started breakfast while I grabbed Krew's Mickey Mouse sippy cup and Avery's Minnie Mouse sippy cup, filling Krew's with apple juice and Avery's with milk. I quickly took their cups to them before going back to the kitchen.

I wrapped my arms around Ashton's waist from behind, pressing my lips to his clothes back between his shoulder blades,

"Whatcha doing?" Ashton chuckled as I squeezed his waist,

"Just loving on you" I giggled, kissing his back more,

"Hmm, I don't mind" he hummed.

As soon as Ashton finished up pancakes, we got all the plates made with them and fruit, then the four of us sat out back at the table to eat.

Our outdoor space is one of our favorite things about the house. On our back deck, we have a dining table and chairs along with some outdoor couches, chairs, and a fire pit. Ashton's also got his whole grill area seat up too. Then just off the back of the deck, we have a grass area and a stone path that leads down to our beach. Our beach has chairs and a little table with an umbrella. We've also got a storage bin for all the beach toys we have.

"We pway at beach t'day?" Avery sat up on her knees, ignoring her fork and eating with her hands,

"Of course baby girl" Ashton grinned,

"Pway twucks!" Krew jumped,

"NO" Avery shook her head at her slightly younger brother, "Twucks no fun"

Ashton and I had to hold back our laughs,

"He plays what you want to play. I think you should play trucks with him too" I spoke up. Avery looked at me in the eye and shook her head,

"I'll play trucks with you Rooey" Ashton told him, using the little nickname Krew's been given. Avery's got one too. We call her Avie or Rey.


As soon as we finished up breakfast, the kids raced off to their rooms so we could get ready to go to the beach.

I walked into Avery's room and found her playing with her baby doll. She was talking to the doll. I had no idea what she was saying though considering she's two and her sentences aren't fully there yet.

"You ready to get changed?" I spoke, her little head spinning around. She nodded and bounced over to her dresser.

I got her into a swim diaper and into her pink bathing suit and sent her downstairs just as Krew ran out of his room in his Mickey Mouse trunks with Ashton following,

"We better get dressed" he laughed watching our anxious kids bounce down the stairs.

Ashton and I changed fast and took our little ones outside. Avery b-lined to the water which made Ashton jog behind her. The kids know that they don't go by the water alone but sometimes they'll get excited and just go for it- but that's rare.

Krew went to our storage box, waiting for me to open it for him. I lifted the lid and picked him up so he could look in and tell me what he wanted,

"Twucks, bucket, scoop"

I smiled and put him down and got out all that he asked for. He thanked me and set up in front of the chair I sat down in and got to work on his 'construction site'.

Avery got tired of the water and she and Ashton came up the beach. Avery shockingly sat down and played with Krew. Usually, Avery won't do anything Krew wants to do, but Krew will play whatever Avery wants him to. Ashton and I have really been trying to get Avery to realize she needs to play what Krew wants as well. She thinks she can boss him around since she's older.

Ashton sat down next to me and smiled at our toddlers playing,

"I love our life" he smiled, "I love you and our babies. I wouldn't change anything"

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