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< March >
< Wednesday >

{ Ashton }

Today we had a day off so we were staying in a hotel. I woke up with Tatum cuddled into me and the kids in the other bed cuddled together with their baby blankets and stuffed animals. I grabbed my phone to check the time and saw it was almost eight-thirty.

I shuffled out of bed, but was stopped when Tatum's hand grabbed my wrist,

"Good morning baby" I smiled, leaned down and pecking her lips,

"Good morning" she smiled back, "Where are you going? It's an off day"

"Just across the street to that cafe. I'm going to go get us breakfast. The kids will be up by the time I get back" I told her. She nodded and let me get up. I quickly threw on a pair of jeans, a shirt, and some shoes then grabbed my phone, wallet, and room key,

"I'll be back" I smiled,

"M'kay" Tatum sat up and stretched out, "Make sure you get me coffee"

I chuckled but gave her a thumbs up before heading out the door. I quickly made my way to the elevator and down to the lobby. As I exited the hotel, I was grateful that no fans were waiting outside.

I looked both ways then crossed the street and entered the cafe, laughing to myself when I saw Luke waiting off the side,

"Hey man" I patted his shoulder, scaring the shit out of him,

"Hey mate" Luke finally laughed, "Getting the family breakfast?"

"Yeah. I'm hoping to be back as the kids are waking up or before they wake up because they wake up as hungry little monsters"

"Sierra woke up and was craving eggs and bacon so I told her I'd run over here" he laughed,

"I'm going to go order then I'll be back" I told him. He nodded and I went and got in line, ordering what all I needed for both my wife and my toddlers then went back and stood with Luke,

"Oh hey, me and Si are taking Noah for the night with Cal. Why don't you and Tatum let us have Avery and Krew too so you two can go have a little date night" Luke spoke up,

"We might actually take you up on that. I feel like Tatum and I have been a tad distant lately. Let me talk to Tate first and I'll let you know" I smile. Tatum and I haven't had much alone time so it will be nice to go out as just the two of us,

"Yeah just text me and let me know" Luke nodded. I thanked him as him name was called for his take out.

Once I got mine, we walked back to the hotel and up to our floor,

"Talk to Tatum" he pointed at me,

"I will" I laughed and used my room key to unlock our hotel room.

I walked in and sat the bags on the desk in the room as my toddlers jumped off the bed and ran to me,

"Are you excited to see me or for the food?" I laughed as Tatum got up from bed,

"The food" she deadpanned as Avery climbed up in the chair and tried to open bags,

"Stop" I spoke, making her pull her hands bag,

"Sit down please" Tatum instructed, "One on each bed"

Krew and Avery obeyed and each went to a bed. Tatum helped me sort food before we both went to sit with the kids, me with Krew and Tatum with Avery. We sat their chocolate milks on the nightstand and let them eat off of us,

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