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< Saturday >

{ Tatum }

Today is Krew's day with Ashton and me. We asked him what he wanted to do, just like we did Avery, and he said he wanted to get donuts, go to Target, then come home and play with both Ashton and me. Of course, Ashton and I said yes. Out of both kids, Krew is definitely are more laid-back and quiet one. He plays by himself mostly and stays out of Avery's way a lot.

Ashton and I have been up for a while. Krew, unlike Avery, wakes up later. Avery's usually up by six-thirty. but not Krew. He gets up around eight-thirty or nine. But we were in no rush so we let him sleep.

But finally, as Ashton and I sat on the sofa watching HGTV, we saw Krew appear at the top of the steps,

"Good morning little man" Ashton smiled. Krew rubbed his eyes and trudged down the steps and over to the couch, climbing up in my lap,

"Good morning Krewy" I kissed his head and pushed his blonde hair back,

"Donuts?" he mumbled making Ashton and I laugh,

"We will go get donuts buddy. Let's let you wake up some first" Ashton smiled and rubbed the toddler's back. Krew nodded and cuddled into my chest.


We finally got out of the house and went to Krispy Kreme. Krew walked into the store with a big smile. He tightly held Ashton's hand and walked up to the glass where he could see all the donuts,

"Which one buddy?" I asked,

"Oweo" he pointed. The worker heard him and grabbed it for him,

"Anything else?" the worker asked,

"Two coffees and a chocolate milk" Ashton spoke. The worker nodded and grabbed those then took us to pay. Once we had paid, we sat at the table outside so Krew could eat his donut. Krew ended up sitting on Ashton's lap because he's too small for the chair.

By the time Krew finished his donut, it was all over his face and all over his and Ashton's laps,

"Did you eat any of it bud?" Ashton laughed as he stood to clean them off. Krew just laughed,

"Come here Krew" I smiled as he walked to me. I grabbed a wipe and wiped off his face before kissing his head.

"Shall we go to Target now?" Ashton spoke making Krew nod frantically, "Let's go then"


We got to Target and headed inside. Krew walked in front of Ashton and me, knowing exactly where he wanted to go,

"Geez, how often do you bring the kids here" Ashton laughed watching our son maneuver around the store,

"A lot. Usually, we get Starbucks in here so I'm quite surprised he hasn't asked yet" I laughed. Ashton playfully rolled his eyes.

We kept following Krew all the way to the Disney section that they had just put in. Krew looked all around. I knew he was going to go with something Toy Story because out of nowhere that's what he became obsessed with,

"See anything Krew?" Ashton asked, letting go of my hand and crouching down behind our son who looked at the toys,

"Don't know what" he shrugged,

"Well, you already have Woody and Buzz so what about Jessie and Bullseye?" Ashton spoke. Krew nodded and Ashton grabbed the two boxes. We then quickly got Avery something then went up to checkout. Ashton paid while I held Krew on my hip who was more than ready to just go home and chill,

"Mommy?" he spoke with his head on my shoulder, "At new house have Woody woom?"

"Of course buddy. We can make your big boy room a Toy Story room" I assured. He smiled just as Ashton walked over,

"Time to go home and play" he cheered like a toddler but made Krew laugh.


After getting home and eating some lunch, we played for a little bit until Krew was adamant that we watched a movie and took a nap. But as the three of us cuddled up on the couch, I realized he was not feeling good. His head was a little hot and I was beginning to wonder how long he's felt bad. He's been kind of lousy all day. He's just wanted to sit around,

"Buddy, do you feel icky?" I asked which grabbed Ashton's attention. Krew nodded and just cuddled into me more,

"What feels yucky?" Ashton questioned. Krew pointed to his stomach and his head. Ashton nodded then got up to go grab him some medicine,

"Why didn't you tell us you felt yucky?" I asked, kissing my son's head. He shrugged his shoulders and Ashton returned his Krew's sippy cup of water and some children's Tylenol. We made Krew take the medicine then all cuddled again and watched Toy Story.


As the night went on, Krew started feeling worse and worse. He was now all congested and coughing up a storm. Ashton took Krew in the shower with him in hopes that the steam will open his chest up some.

I walked into the bathroom once Ashton called for me. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Krew as Ashton brought him out of the shower,

"Let's go get your jammies on then we will get in bed. You can sleep with me and Daddy tonight" I told him. He nodded and followed me all the way to his room.

I helped him get dressed then grabbed his baby blanket and headed back to mine and Ashton's room where Ashton was climbing in bed. We let Krew lay between us and made sure he was warm enough,

"You can wake us up if you feel more icky," Ashton told him. Krew nodded and started chewing on the corner of his blanket. Ashton looked over at me and quickly gave me a kiss. I kissed him back then kissed Krew's head,

"I love you," I told my boys,

"We love you too Momma" Ashton smiled and turned the tv off so the three of us could sleep.

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